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17 April 2017

Вси ангели славословят...

so much and simple

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The Conqueror of death
 - documentary with English subtitles

The Conqueror of Death is a documentary film that describes the days of the so-called Passion Week
(the suffering Week, the week in which Christ suffered until death) and Sunday, the day that Christ has resurrected.
The film is designed so as to explain to a wider audience the implications of these events and the significance of the Resurrection of Christ, and therefore the meaning of Theanthropic feats of salvation.
The Divine Services and the Monastery life in the days of Passion Week and the Resurrection were recorded by Cinnamon production from Belgrade in Dečani Monastery between 2009-2012.
Th significance of each of these days, in particular, is explained by quotations from the Gospel, from the liturgical texts of the Lenten Triodion of the Holy and Great Week, from the sermons of St. John the Chrysostom, St. Bishop Nikolai of Zhicha and St. Father Justin of Chelije.
Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Amfilohie who at the time of working on one phase of the film in 2010 was the administrator of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren, in the film explains the meaning of all major events in the last week of Christ's life on earth, his suffering for us and the very significance of the Resurrection of Christ.
Манастир Високи Дечани - Победилац смрти - документарац, издање Ман. В. Дечани 2012.год.
Visoki Dečani Monastery - The Conqueror of death - a documentary, copyright Visoki Dečani Monastery 2012
Cinnamon Production, Belgrade

13 April 2017

A Future Monk

so much and simple

На Велики четвъртък (2017 г.) бъдещ монах - снимка с ембарго до 2030 г. -
провери силата на огъня от свещ с длан на около 3 см. за около 10-15 сек.

След около 5 минути повтори опита - вече с длан на около 15 см. от пламъка.

Очевидно остана доволен - и изрисува "свода небесен" с пламъка на свещта
за радост на всички сили... (прещракването от телефона ме сконфузи!)

Последва помазване за всеобщо успокоение и опрощение...

А ето и филм след около 9 часа:

Велики Четвъртък 2017