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26 January 2020

Love of money

Treasury of spiritual wisdom

Anthology of Patristic Thought

Love of money

... Do not think that only the possession of gold or silver is money loving, but if thought is attached to something (see Petr Damaskin , 74, 59).

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It should not be silver-loving and to collect unnecessary treasures that are not necessary (St. Basil the Great , 10, 57).

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... What a moth in clothes is, the passion of silver loving in a human heart (St. Ephraim the Syrian , 30, 141). A source.

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He who loves gold will not be justified, but he who loves the Lord will be blessed (St. Ephraim the Syrian , 30, 154).

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... If you love love of money, you will go away with nothing; and if you love instability, you will not lose heavenly wealth (St. Ephraim the Syrian , 30, 156). A source.

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... Savage love is the inventor of all sin (St. Ephraim the Syrian , 32, 269). A source.

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Do not love gold and silver, lest the evil one block your course (St. Ephraim the Syrian , 34, 295). A source.