#VladimirDjambov; #Orthodox; #Talmach; #PraBlah
BOOK Inventory
Vladimir Djambov Talmach
BOOK Inventory
of titles in English (and other languages) -
ALL in PDF format
described below and then apply
30% discount to the grand total! by January 14, 2025.
BID DIRECT shall be accepted as order
when calculated as follows:
Ordering / BID DIRECT with
10% markup |
EXAMPLES: 2 Titles #2 ( 27,34 + €19,82) effective OFF
47,16X1,1=51,88 Euro -30% PAY €36,32 i.e. -23,00%
/10+ titles bought/ #2 & #3 (€25+€17) effective DISCOUNT
47,16X1,1=51,88 Euro{-25%}= €38,91 -30% PAY €27,24 i.e. -42,24%
And 5 titles order
#2,#3,#4,#5 (€27,34+€19,82+€41+€6,83+€13,67) effective OFF
/less than 10 titles/ 108,66 Euro -30% PAY €76,06 i.e. -30,00%
#2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 (€25+€17+€44+€10+€14 ) effective OFF
108,66 Euro{-25%}=€81,50 -30% PAY € 57,05 i.e. -47,50%
To receive an offer PLS,
Quote title/s and make a bid in EUR to
– email < mailto:djambovV@gmail.com > [
payPal in EUR ]
or – in Revolut (smartphone) to < @djambovV >, i.e.
https://revolut.me/djambovV – no markup in the app! -
equivalent in most currencies acceptable
Vladimir Djambov
IBAN LT77 3250 0317 5326 8589
Revolut Bank UAB
( prices are indicative )
Google = 409 En / 50
BG / 50 Rus / 22 Ch. Sl. / 2 Gr / 1 Srb
& non-published 197 (+22) En / 24 Ru / 19
Bg / [—6*]
TOTAL = 734 [+22]