молитвата със думи…
Надеждите с поклон подзащити…
Сърцето бие сякаш гони
страха и черното от теб…
молитвата със думи…
Надеждите с поклон подзащити…
Сърцето бие сякаш гони
страха и черното от теб…
Troparion to Saint Spyridon, bishop of Trimythus
Thou wast the Champion of the First Synod and [thou appeared] a
wonderworker, / O God-bearing Spyridon, our father. / Thou didst speak to one
dead in the grave, / and transformed a serpent into gold, / and while thou wast
chanting the holy prayers / the Angels were serving with thee. / Glory to Him Who
hast glorified thee gave, / glory to Him Who hast crowned thee, / glory to Him
Who through thee works healings for all.
Transl. from Russian
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:. Category: Author's column.
It is obvious that
today the Russian Federation is returning to the Soviet political system, where
the place of communist ideology is occupied by the pseudo-Orthodoxy of the Moscow
Patriarchate. But a new society is obviously being built in Ukraine, as well, but
what result this construction activities lead to, we can only guess. Let's look
at this question from several points of view.
Ukraine in the Field of Political
The first Slavic state-empire
of the Rurikhs, which united many nationalities, with the center in Kyiv – the Kievan
Rus, - began its existence as an Orthodox state from the moment of the adoption
of Christ in 988, and has, one way or another, existed as a single entity for 250
years, up until the Mongol invasion (1237-1240). Kievan Rus partially covered the
territories of the modern states of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Belarus and
The first gift of the Holy Spirit is wisdom (fore-wisdom). More precisely, the wisdom that comes from above, about which the Apostle speaks: "The wisdom that comes from above is first pure, then peaceful, lenient, yielding, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and not hypocritical." /James. 3:17/ The opposite of this wisdom is carnal wisdom, about which the Apostle says: " In simplicity and sincerity before God, not with carnal wisdom, but with the grace of God, we lived in the world ." /2 Cor. 1:12/ Borrowing testimony from the Old Testament / Is. 29:14/, the same Apostle speaks against this carnal and worldly wisdom in another of his epistles: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and reject the understanding of the prudent.” Where is the wise man? Where is the librarian? Where is the debater of this century? Has not God made the wisdom of this world mad?" /1 Cor. 1:19-20/
from Bulgarian
Vladimir Djambov ©
A brochure published in 1928 by the
then Archim. Boris of Nevrokop [PhD in Philosophy, future Metropolitan - 1935,
now St.], called
For his life, activity and the attitude of the Bulgarian Church towards
Metropolitan Boris, see also:
– in Bulgarian
Blog dedicated to Metropolitan
Boris of Nevrokop – in Bulgarian
#VladimirDjambov; #Orthodox; #Talmach; #PraBlah
from Russian
Vladimir Djambov ©
Collection of sermons
Words about Repentance,
Communion of the
Holy Mysteries of Christ and
the Correction of Life
#VladimirDjambov; #Orthodox; #Talmach; #PraBlah
from Russian
Vladimir Djambov ©
The Most Soulful Book about the Unceasing Communion of
the Holy Mysteries of Christ
Saint Gregory Palamas
I. That Orthodox Christians must
often partake of the Divine Body and Blood of our Lord.
II. About the useful and salutary frequent Communion of the Holy
IV. Answers to objections to the unceasing Communion of the Holy
Mysteries of Christ
Objection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
V. Epilogue
It is commanded to all Orthodox Christians to partake often, firstly, of
the Sovereign Commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ, secondly, of the Acts and Rules
of the Holy Apostles and Holy Councils, as well as the testimonies of the divine
Fathers, thirdly, by the words themselves, the rite and sacred action of the Holy
Liturgy, and fourthly, and finally, Holy Communion itself.
1. Our Lord Jesus Christ
, before giving the Sacrament of Communion, said: “The bread that
I will give is My Flesh, which I will give for the life of the world”
( John 6:51 ). That is, the food
that I want to give you is My Flesh, which I want to give for the revitalization
of the whole world. This means that Divine Communion for believers is a necessary
component of spiritual and Christ-like life. But since this spiritual and according
to Christ life should not be quenched and interrupted (as the Apostle says, do not
quench the spirit ( 1 Thess. Risen One (according to
the same Apostle 1), that is,
that the living faithful should no longer live a life of their own and of the flesh,
but the life of Christ, who died and rose again for them—thus, it is absolutely
required that that which constitutes it, that is, Divine Communion, be permanent.
And in another place the Lord says commandingly: “Truly,
truly, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood,
you will not have life in you” ( John
6:53). From these words it becomes clear that Divine Communion is as necessary for
Christians as Holy Baptism is necessary. Because the same double command that He
spoke about Baptism, He also said about Divine Communion. Of holy Baptism He said:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the
Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” ( John 3:5). And about Divine Communion
in a similar way: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son
of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you.” And so, just as it is
impossible for anyone to live a spiritual life and be saved without Baptism, so
it is impossible for anyone to live without Divine Communion. However, since these
two [Sacraments] have this difference, that Baptism takes place once, while Divine
Communion is celebrated constantly and daily, it is concluded from this that there
are two necessary things in Divine Communion: firstly, it must be performed, and
secondly , take place constantly.
Moreover, when the Lord gave this Sacrament to His disciples,
He did not say to them in the form of advice: “Whoever wants,
let him eat My Body, and whoever wants, let him drink My Blood,” as He said: “If
anyone wants to follow Me " ( Matt.16:24
) and "if you want to be perfect" ( Matt.19:21 ). But He proclaimed commandingly:
“Take, eat, this is My Body”, and “drink everything from it, this is My Blood” (see
Matt. 26: 26-28 ). That is, by all means you
must eat My Body and must necessarily drink My Blood. And again he says: “Do this in remembrance of Me” ( Luke 22:19). That is, this Sacrament
I commit to you, so that it is performed not once, or twice, or three times, but
daily (as the divine Chrysostom explains) in remembrance of My sufferings. My death
and all My economy of salvation.
These words of the Lord clearly represent two necessary
[points] in Communion: one is the obligatory command they contain, and the other
is the duration indicated by the word “do”, which, understandably, means that we
are commanded not just to take communion but keep communion unceasingly. So, everyone
now sees that the Orthodox are not allowed to violate this command, no matter what
rank it may be, but he is charged with a duty and duty to keep it without fail,
to accept it as the Master's commandments and ordinances.
#VladimirDjambov; #Orthodox; #Talmach; #PraBlah
from Russian
Djambov ©
About Priesthood:
(dedicated to modern pastors)
#VladimirDjambov; #Orthodox; #Talmach; #PraBlah
Translated from Russian
(and proto-Bulgarian -
i.e. Church-Slavonic]
Rev. Onuphrius the Great was one of those glorious desert-dwellers who
took refuge in the wild, picturesque Thebaid desert in Egypt, who in the 4th
century, during the time of the emperors Constantius and Valens, defended the
holy Christian faith, persecuted by the Aryan heretics, with fervent prayer,
fasting and repentance.
Rev. Onuphrius was born around the year 320 into the family of a Persian
king. His father, having no offspring for a long time, prayed with all his soul
to the Lord to give him a son, and God heard him. But even before the birth of
St. Onuphrius, one day a demon came to his father disguised as a wanderer and
said: “Oh Tsar, your wife will give birth to a son, but not from you, but from
one of your servants. If you want to make sure that I'm telling the truth,
order the newborn to be thrown into the fire. And if I tell a lie, then God
will keep him safe.” The father did not comprehend the deceit of the enemy and,
believing the imaginary wanderer, fulfilled the crafty advice, throwing the
newborn child into the fire. A miracle happened: the child stretched out his
hands to the sky, as if praying to the Creator for salvation, and the flame,
splitting into two sides, left the baby unharmed. Meanwhile, an angel of God
appeared to the father and, having exposed him of reckless trust in the
slanders of the devil, ordered him to baptize his son, to name him Onuphrius
and take him where God would indicate.