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11 March 2014

(the comments by a blogger who re-posted) Няма нищо по-добро от чистата съвест

(Коментарите на един блогър, който е ре-постнал)

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Превод от РУСКИ

            Сега след като видях съобщението от главата на нашата църква (РЦЗП) владика Агатангел, желанието ми за мир и нежеланието ми за война за "интересите на Русия", не само в Крим, но най-вече там – укрепена и се утвърди.

            Война не ни е нужна! Война не е нужна на никого измежду здравите и нормални хора, независимо към коя нация принадлежат. Руски люде, както тези които не искат война, така и онези които я искат, които в душите си са се уподобили на безумци, обезумели "кремлебеси" [(звучи като) демони от Кремъл] – всички вий трябва да знаете, че от нея никой не ще спечели. Погледнете Чечня или Грузия – на войните, които са бивали там. Това не ви ли е достатъчно?... Вие какво спечелихте? А какво са спечелили техните устроители, тези, които са ги започнали? Погледнете в каква положение сте вие, и в какво – те...

            Така че, какво ви подбужда да желаете смърт на другите? Какви логически доводи ще приведете в оправдание на насилието? "Опазване на държавата"... Или увеличението й? Но нали не сте вие, които я владеете, вие нямате почти никакви права в нея, и благодарение на вашето снизхождение към управляващите ви злодеи, те [тези права] остават все по-малко и по-малко. Невъзможно е да не забележите това. Следователно, не трябва да я наричаме държава в прекия смисъл на думата, [а] по-скоро някаква разновидност на затвор. И, значи, какво ви засяга това колко ще спечели от поредната си авантюра началникът на лагера? За вас от това ще има ли някаква полза?

            Така че, какво ви подбужда да желаете война? Нима има някаква по-висша ценност за човечеството от живота му? Ако няма живот, то няма нужда от нищо, длъжни сте да разбирате това. Така че замислете се какъв би бил животът след успеха на вашите врагове, които ви бутат към кръвопролитие!? Времето, прекарано под тяхната ПОГОНЯЛОВЫМ [погнуса?] не ви ли е научило [на нещо], и готови ли сте да забравите опита от своя живот?

            За кой ли път се обръщам към всички. Престанете със своята гордост. Обърнете се към Христа. Смирете своите несъвършени желания, и отворете умосърдечните си очи в чистотата и въззрението на Истината, останете доколкото е възможно в съзерцание на Истината, на Неговата любов – при това, със сляпо зрение не ще видите надигащата се беда, и не ще видите грешките на своите неправилни и неправедни действия. Никого не обвинявам, никого не искам да заставя, Боже опази да се надсмея над незнаещите – искам само да ви напомня за това, за да останете човешки същества, Божии чеда, а не синове на дявола. Сега се решава въпросът не за държавните граници, а за спасението на душите. Ненавистта не е естествена за човека – това състояние е порок от първородния грях, предизвикало изкривяване на духовната нагласа вследствие на духовните поражения и измененията, а сегашният (продължаващ) пост, съществуват за очистване от тази създала се сквернота.

            Бъдете първи да проявите добра воля, да се окажете благородни, [и] Господ ще ви го зачете, както и всички добродетели не забравя. Няма нищо по-добро от чистата съвест. Само да знаехте кога Съдията ще ви призове при Себе Си, то не въздаяние зло за зло, а душевна чистота ще пожелае да види Той...

            Нека никой да не се смущава от нищо, което е сега. Към несправедлива война за чужди интереси, точно както и при предишните случаи, към нова война ви тласкат тези, които нямат вече какво да губят – но вие сте други, знайте го. Вие все още имате избор! Вие имате нещото, което тези подпалвачи нямат, източника на вашите ежедневни неприятности. Дори не си и представяте какво голямо богатство обладавате. Бесовете са много по-хитри от вас, но те нямат избор, а вие имате!...

            Смири страстите си, иначе напразно ще просите Бога за милост към себе си. Великият пост не за война съществува. Не нарушавайте поста с война. Мир вам и на света [желая] !

(the comments by a blogger who re-posted)

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Now after I saw the message from the head of our church Vladyka Agafangel, my desire for peace and unwillingness of war for "the interests of Russia," not only in Crimea , but primarily there – has grown stronger and strengthened up.

We need not war! No one needs war – [at least] from among sound and normal people, no matter the nation they belong to. The Russian people, both those who do not want and those who want it, who in their souls have likened themselves to madmen, gone mad "kremlebesy" [(sounds like) demons of Kremlin] – all you need to know [realize well] that no one shall benefit from it. Look at Chechnya or Georgia – at the wars that were there. Is that not enough for you?... What have you won? And what have their organizers won, those who started them? Look at what position you are in and in what – they...

So, what is stirring you to wish the death of others? What logical arguments can you [possibly] present to justify violence? "Conservation of the State"... Or its increase? But it is not you who own it, you have almost no rights in it, and thanks to your indulgence to the villains who are managing you, these [rights] remain less and less. It is impossible to not notice this. Hence, we should not call it a state in the literal sense, [but] rather some kind of a prisonSo, therefore, what's the difference to you how much the camp commander would benefit from his consecutive adventure? What good would that bring to you?

And so, what does motivate you to wish for war? Is there actually any higher value to mankind than its life? If there is no life, there is no need to do anything – you must understand this. So, think about what life would be like – after the success of your enemies pushing you to bloodshed!? The time spent under them POGONYALOVS has failed to teach you [a lesson], and you are ready to forget the experience of your life?

Again and again I appeal to all. Stop your pride. Turn to Christ. Humble your imperfect desires, and open up the eyes of the mind [reason] in purity and perception of the Truth, as much as possible remain in contemplation of the Truth, of His love – at that, your blind eyesight shall not see the impending disaster, and shall not see the error of its wrong and unrighteous actions. I do not blame anyone, I don't want to force anyone, God forbid – to puff [up, five ideas to] the ignorant one – I just want to remind you of this so you may remain to be human beings, children of God's, and not children of the devil. The question is now being solved not of state borders but of the salvation of souls. Hatred is not naturally human – that state is the product of the original sin, bringing out a distortion of the spiritual disposition due to spiritual destructions, and both the changes – and this ongoing fast exist for the cleansing of that filth set in.

Be the first to display goodwill, prove yourselves noble, [and] the Lord shall reckon it for you [r sake], just as all virtues He does not forget. There is nothing better than clear conscience. If only you knew when the Judge shall call to Himself then it is not [an] evil for evil [repayment] but purity of the soul that He desires to see...

Let no one be embarrassed by anything that is [taking place] now. Pushing you to an unjust war for the [alien] interests of others, just the same as was the case in the previous cases, to a new war are those who have nothing to lose – but you're different – [you have to] know it. You still stand a choice! You do have something that those arsonists have not, the source of your daily troubles. You have no idea even how great a wealth you possess. Demons are much trickier than you, but they have no choice, while you do!...

Humble down your passions, otherwise you shall beg in vain from God mercy to yourself. [Great] Lent is not there for [waging] war. Do not break the fast with war. [My wish is] Peace be unto you, and unto the world!

05 March 2014

Кратка история на (гръцката) ИПЦ–K




Превод от английски



Кратка история

Кратка история на ИПЦ–K

Кратка история на ИПЦ-K
и участието на РПЗЦ в нея...


Сряда, 30 януари, 2013 17:31

4 март 2014 г.


В началото на 20 век, идеята за насърчаване на обединяването на Църквите (православни и инославни) започва да се утвърждава сред кръгове в източно-православната църква чрез създаване на „Общност на Църквите", по модела на Обществото на народите.


Патриаршеската енциклика от 1920 г. предвижда поредица от стъпки към „обединението на Църквите", първата от които бе смяната на календара за едновременно празнуване на празничните дни от всички „Църкви". Съдържанието на енцикликата бе запазено в тайна от вярващите и едва след няколко години то станало известно.


През 1923 г. патриарх Мелетий Метаксакис свика „Всеправославна Конференция", която взе решения по много нововъведения, сред които бе и смяната на календара. Представители на останалите Патриаршии от Изтока не бяха дошли на конференцията, а и работата на конференцията бе прекъсната след като благочестивите християни от Константинополската Църква мобилизираха силите си срещу нея. Мелетий бе в крайна сметка изгонен от града. Същата година Кралски Указ постанови, че Новият (григорианският) календар ще се прилага в Гърция по политическите въпроси, а Църквата продължи да използва Стария (Юлиански) календар.


През 1924 г. архиепископът на Атина, Хризостом Пападопулос, въведе Григорианския календар в Църквата, въпреки Кралския Указ от предишната година.


Благочестивите хората реагираха. Онези духовници и миряни, които не последваха обновленчеството, сформираха „Общество на Православните" в Атина, което през 1926 г. бе преименувано на „Гръцка Религиозна Общност на Истинно-Православните християни". На 14 септември, 1925 г., докато ревнителите за Светото Предание бяха на бдение за празника Въздвижение на Светия Кръст, се появил ярък Кръст над параклиса на Св. Йоан Богослов в Hymettus. Мнозина видели чудото и повярвали в светоотеческото благочестие. Всички тези хора били литургийно обслужвани от минимален брой свещеници и свещеномонаси от Света Гора, обикновено в параклиси.


Хризостом Пападопулос и други обновленчески архиереи, наредили сили за сигурност да експулсира последователите на светото Предание (св. традиции). Свещениците били арестувани, малтретирани, лишавани от свещеническото си облекло, затваряни, и изпращани в изгнание. Една млада жена в Мандра, Катрин Рутес, срещнала мъченическа смърт, когато със собственото си тяло се опитала да защити свещеника от ударите на полицаите. Епископите на официалната Църква водели полицията, за да разпръсва религиозните събирания на истинно-православните християни, те прекъсвали литургии, изпразвали светите съсъди от съдържанието им, и го стъпвали.


Въпреки кървавите гонения, броят на вярващите се умножил, а през 1935 г. трима митрополити присъединили към ревнителите за Вярата. Те бяха Герман Деметрийски, Хризостом, бивш Флорински и Хризостом Закинтоски. След това те ръкоположиха четирима йеромонаха в епископски сан: Герман Барикопулос, Поликарп Лиосес, Кристофър Шатцес и Матей Карпатакис, създавайки първия Свети Синод на Църквата на Истинно-Православните Християни в Гърция. Поради преследване, заточение, и т.н., някои от тях се оттеглили и се върнали в официалната църква. През 1939 г. Хризостом, бивш Флорински, замени Герман Деметрийски в ръководството на ИПЦ, който почина през 1941 година.


През 1951 г. – чрез Закона на правителството #45/1951, бе обявенo общо преследване на ИПЦ. Църквите били затворени или разрушавани, свещениците били арестувани, разпопвани и насила обръсвани от полицаи. Нашите йерарси били осъдени на изгнание; литургиите били преустановени, шествията били разпръснати, а надгробните надписи били преобърната от полицията. Нашият лидер, Хризостом, бивш Флорински, бил заточен в манастир в Митилини. През 1951 г. митрополит Герман Цикладски умря. Погребението му било забранено, а полицията била пратена да пази трупа му, за да се гарантира, че ще бъде погребан без свещеник. Двама други църковни йерарси се поддадоха на натиска и се присъединиха към официалната църква. През 1953 г. преследването продължавало да чезне, но Законът на правителството, #45/1951, не бил отменен.


През 1955 г., Хризостом, бивш Флорински, единственият останал епископ на нашата Църква – след като претърпял сериозни здравни проблеми, дължащи се на неотдавнашното си изгнание – починал без да остави наследници. От 1955 до 1960 г. комисия от дванадесет свещеници пое ръководството на борбата, чиято основна цел бе ръкополагането на епископи за Църквата на ИПЦ. През 1960 г. и 1962 г. със съдействието на архиереите на Руската Задгранична Църква, Църквата на Истинно-Православните Християни в Гърция постепенно възвърна свои епископи, а Светият Синод бе съставен под председателството на архиепископ Акакий. Акакий Талантийски бе лидерът на Църквата на ИПЦ като епископ (1960 г.) и архиепископ (1962 г.), докато кончината си през 1963 г. След смъртта му бе избран епископ Авксентий Гардикийски за архиепископ (1963-1985 г.).


По време на периода на седемгодишната диктатура, архиепископ Йероним (от официалната църква) планира да подчини всички частни hesychasteria – каквито са всичките манастири на ИПЦ – под директното управление на местния Епископ на официалната Църква. Оттогава насетне, в името на отбраната, много манастири законно присъединиха своите имоти към манастира Есфигмен на Света Гора. През същия този период, с министерско решение, Тайнствата на ИПЦ бяха най-накрая регистрирани в службите по вписванията. Едно важно събитие, което стана по онова време (през 1969 г.) бе признаването от страна на Светия Синод на Руската Православна Задгранична Църква на Епископските ръкоположения, проведени през 1960 г. и 1962 г.


През 1982 г. с министерско решението на министър Антъни Трицес на нашата Църква бе позволено законно да изгражда нашите църкви. През 1985 г. и 1989 г. с други министерски решения, на нашите свещениците беше дадена здравна осигуровка.


От 1986 г. до 2010 г. архиепископ на Църквата на ИПЦ бе архиепископ Хризостом II (който (преди това) е бил митрополит Солунски). По време на неговото пастирство бе постигнато така желаното очистването на духовенството от странни и чужди елементи, навлезли в редиците на свещената борба на ИПЦ, и след преодоляването на множество препятствия, той успява да освежи тялото на йерархията с нови епископски ръкоположения през 1998 г., 1999 г. и 2000 г., и възстановява нормалното функциониране на синодалната система към Църквата на ИПЦ.


Архиепископ Хризостом II бе първият архиепископ на ИПЦ, приет от лидера на страната, гръцкия президента Константин Стефанопулос, на 8 юни 1998 г., и който освети Свето миро заедно със Светия Синод на Църквата на ИПЦ на Гърция на Велики четвъртък 2001 г. Под неговото пасторство съвременната все-ереста на икуменизма бе синодално осъдена (през 1998 г.), и бе свикана Четвъртата Все-Гръцка Конференцията на духовенството ( през 2003 г.). Със негова благословия бе създадено вероучително Училище (за катехизация), и то работи от 2001 г. насам, а бившият Съюз на младежта бе възстановен под името Православната Младежка Асоциация.


След светата му кончина в неделя, 6/19 септември 2010 г., на негово място бе избран митрополит Калиник Ахайски за архиепископ на Атина и на цяла Гърция, който ръководи Светия синод днес.


Преведено от гръцки




04 March 2014

UKRAINISM* or national-ism* (1255 and all that...)

* — any '-ism' is non-existent [VD]

Duke Daniil of Galicia
betrayed Orthodoxy in 1255

translated from Russian
Martin Miroslavovich
Béla Rus' – Our Deed Is Right!
Feb 28 , 2014 at 10:12 pm

To further understand current events in Ukraine, one has to clearly split its territory into two parts, [namely] the former Mala Rus [Small Rus'] and Galicia, which in 1939 the bolsheviks called Western Ukraine. It all started in the distant [year] 1255, when Duke Daniil of Galicia betrayed Orthodoxy and accepted from the Pope the Roman title 'King of Galicia'. He subdued the Church on the territory of the Galician-Volynsk Duchy to the Vatican in exchange for a promise of help in the war against the Mongol-Tatars. Of course, he saw no help from the West and all former fellow believers [of one faith], who could help him, he pushed away with this action of his. The Galician-Volynsk Rus' has since ceased to exist as an independent state. Already in the year 1339 it was captured by the Polish King Casimir the Great, and after Poland's split in 1772 it went into possession of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and there began a many-century long – in the literal sense – yoke and humiliation of the people, who – no matter what – reckoned themselves Russians and confessed the Orthodox faith.

The next milestone started in 1848 and we should dwell in greater detail on that moment [in time]. For all these centuries both Poland and then the Austrians up until 1848 officially recognized the national unity of both the Galicians, and other Mala Rus'-sians with the Russian people and there simply was no such concept as Ukraine and Ukrainians. The word "Ukrainec" [Ukrainian (of the outskirts)] started to be used at the end of 16th century as a degrading by-name. In the very Austria for the population of Galicia they used the word Russen, or just as the population called themselves – Rusiny. 

Why up until 1848? In that year This year, an uprising broke out in Hungary, for the suppression of which Nicholas I sent the hundred-thousand strong army of General Paskevich. And the population of these lands done for by Poles, Germans, and Hungarians saw a powerful, invincible Russian army, speaking in understandable, almost their own native language. Church service was for all of us conducted in one and the same language – Church Slavonic. It was then that on the territory of Galicia there the strongest Russophile movement arose. For some time – making use of the Austrian emperor's fear before the Magyars – a propaganda was conducted of the Russian language, culture, and there started a movement for the full integration of Galicia and Russia.

It was on this disturbing point for the Austrians that the Governor of Galicia Earl Stadion drew the attention of Vienna to. After 1848 in Austrian documents the population began to be called not Russen but Ruthenen (Ruthenians). And in order to further increase the gap with Russia, everything Russian started to be destroyed. In the second half of the 19th century – there were very often and everywhere court trials on charges of high treason. During that same period the Polish and the Austro-Hungarian nobility united in order to not allow the Galicians to feel themselves as pack-and-parcel with the one Russian people.

The Poles realized that colonization of Galicia under the Austrian Empire was no easy matter. There were people, also, who proved that this was not necessary, either. The Ukrainization promised more profits; it is not as striking as Polonisation, people lend themselves more easily to it, and – having become Ukrainians – they will no longer be Russians. In this spirit there began a priming of the Viennese government, which liked the idea of Ukrainianization because it allowed to go from a defensive position into an offensive [one].

Russification of Galicians was fraught with the danger of the region's separation, Ukrainization not only carried no such risk but also served as a means to separate Ukraine from Russia and for its accession to Galicia. They believed that the Constitution of 1868 would serve as a good bait, under which all nationalities inhabiting the Austrian Empire received equality and cultural autonomy. To this end, on the basis of the common people speaking – entirely rural – they created a new language, which became the standard Ukrainian [language, official], introducing into it a lot of words from the German and Polish languages. And the utmost stroke of genius of the Austrians was the creation of a new alphabet, where three letters were removed from the Russian alphabet and two others were added.

Austrians got so much carried away with dreams of Ukraine detachment that eventually the idea arose of seeking out a worthy candidate for the throne of a future Ukrainian kingdom, whom they found in the person of Prince Wilhelm Habsburg, named Basil the Embroidered [Ukrainian pseudonym]. In Vienna and Lviv interested parties convinced "Basil" to switch the Latin Rite for the Uniate Church. The heir to the Austrian throne, Franz Ferdinand, took an active part in this adventure.

When the Polish plan received approval in Vienna, in Galicia there arose a "people's" party and an entire aiding sub unit in the face of the "Enlightenment" society, the newspapers "Pravda", "Dilo", "Zorya", "Fatherland", and many others. The core and foundation of the "people's" party was the Uniate clergy. By 1913 "impressive" successes have been achieved. Concentration camps were established for the Russians, and "Muscophiles" were destroyed by the tens of thousand. Those who struck really lucky, fled to Russia, and the word "Ukraine" got a start in life. Those who stayed and wanted to live in freedom and make a career, had to write a receipt [declaration]: "I promise I shall never call myself Russian but [shall call myself] Ukrainian, and only Ukrainian." The priests wrote [signed] such receipts in order to receive a parish.

"Austrian Janissaries" detachments were created, titled "Riflemen of Sich" as well as subversive organizations like "Union for the Rescue of Ukraine", that worked in favor of Austria against Russia. But the First World War ended with a defeat of Austria-Hungary and a complete upside-down in the fate of Galicia. It proved - just like a hundred and fifty years ago – in the composition of Poland. The Poles became no longer a regional but a state authority for the Ruthenians [Russens] and their behavior changed dramatically. Religious and national oppressions were revived, resembling the 18th century. It was at that time exactly – i.e. in 1920 – when Ukrainian nationalism originated [in the form] as we see it now.

 Coat-of-arms, Galicia, 19th c.

Kyiv - then and now

Translated from Russian
 January 3, 2015
Zarubezhnaya Rus' [Russia Abroad]
is Still Alive!

Open letter by Rd. Martin (Pekarsky)

I have been moved [prompted] to write these few words by the open letter of Father Abbot Andrew (Yerastov) from Melbourne. Great thanks to the Abbot Father for the wonderful word laid out in the Christian spirit. I would [very much] like to write that it is [written] in the ZARUVEZNY [ROCA] spirit, but regrettably this spirit is currently entirely associated with something quite the opposite.

At the beginning I would like to emphasize that my letter has been written not for the use of exposing [against] Metr. Agafangel, but for the sake of support all the ROCA conscientious members, be they laymen, monks, priests, or bishops.

The war in Ukraine is for me a war between brothers. Any war leads to inflaming of passions and [to] hatred, to erosion of the blame for all its horrors and [to] casting the blame on people who are not guilty of anything. People who are being artificially used by the enemies of humanity in their political games. In warning to my opponents, I immediately state I am no fan of neither Putin with Girkin-Strelkov or of any open to bribery [corrupt] power in Ukraine, which sees their country's well-being in the sell-out of national values (independence) to the West with its European Union or to the East with its oligarchs.

War and the propaganda connected with it increase hatred between the peoples in Ukraine and in Russia. This also reflects on the stand of certain ROCA members. In my humble opinion, Mikhail Viktorovich Nazarov is attacking too harshly the Ukrainians. It is not them who are to blame here. It is indecent to read his expressions of the type "Ukro-fascists", etc. I am writing this not [at all] as an office observer of what is happening in Ukraine. This October I happened to stay for a few weeks in towns and villages of Ukraine. Traveling its central and western parts, visiting even the very "epicenters" of the notorious "banderism." Initially, I was mistakenly thinking that to speak in Russian to peoplein the Western regions was dangerous. But what was my surprise when Ukrainians – for example, in Lviv, or in Rovno, or in deaf [far-away] Ukrainian villages – never reproved me for talk to them in the hateful language of the hated by them Russian people. And not only this. driving a rout packed with people from Lviv with stopovers in Rovno, on a number of routes I heard ... Russian music. And to my amazement, none of the Ukrainians made the driver any severe reprimand. This looked strange, since behind the window-glass I repeatedly saw the monument to Stepan Bandera wrapped in Ukrainian flags. None of the Ukrainians had any trouble with my consider myself a Russian. Young Ukrainian women whose husbands had gone to war [fight] in the Donbas, were saying that they "did not understand whom their husbands had gone to fight for, what kind of power was it for, if that power had never been with the people, but had always plundered and crushed that people." Among the Ukrainians there are reasonable people who believe this war to be pointless [useless], [believing] that entry into the European Union would not at all give the people any freedom, as well as that because of this war the already fragile fraternal relations between the peoples of Ukraine and Russia would break for many years [to come].

Nothing of what I saw would come onto the mass media – either in Russia or in Ukraine. A modern genuine Orthodox person needs to abandon watching TV and reading the Internet network pages, which are generally transmitting false information, as the latter comes from official (registered and controlled) sources. The first victims to propaganda are always teenagers and football fans. An under-educated mass of simpletons is easy to manage and to set up using it an image of the protesters as if this performance [appearance] were the opinion [voice] of the people. No, it is not the people of Ukraine that is guilty of arson and murder in Odessa. Just the same as the Russian people is not guilty of snipers shooting – on the orders by the strong of the day – at the Maidan protesters. Divide et impera! – this method of controlling is seen in many so-called democratic countries. The population of Ukraine and of Russia has now fallen victim to this policy. A policy which places the mammon higher than welfare and development of their [own] people.

Current events are a good test as to how well are the True Orthodox [faithful] capable of [distinguishing] trying spirits (1 John. 4:1). How well are they capable of rejecting the propaganda of the new world order. If our faithful (but why [only] the faithful! – actually the bishops and the pastors [themselves]) fail to learn looking at the worldly events through the eyes of a Christian, then in the near future they, too, will be seduced by the most attractive and sweet spirit of antichrist and would thereby [come to] worship [bow to] him.

In 1991, the world government set in power (that very same [power] as in the USSR) a power [government] with the purpose of looting the people and bringing about its spiritual ruin, and all the subsequent presidents who were supposedly chosen by the people were nothing but clowns. After all, there is a saying: "Give me the mass media and of any people I shall make a herd of pigs!". And can a herd choose a conscientious and worthy president? Has anyone ever seen such a president? We must once and for all understand that the political system cannot be changed via popular protest, and even less so – via electing another "worthier" candidate. Because the system – seeing a threat for itself – gets reorganized, covers itself with new names, flags, new faces, and a new empty constitution [in vain].

Alas, many of our brothers who consider themselves part of the Josephite movement have succumbed to Putin's propaganda. This looks incredible, as until only recently those same pastors decried the action – in the words of Rev. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves – of Russia's wrong ruler V. V. Putin. I'm talking here of the well-known to us all priest Valery (Rozhnov) of Amosovka, and of Bishop Martin. I believe that in the near future they, too, will have to understand how "good" their "national leader" and "savior" of Russia had become. The reason for this fall is the absence of principles in respect to authorities, as well as immorality. Thence, the continuing turmoil of the Russian people and the loss by pastors seduced and by their flock of God's blessing, without which it is impossible to overthrow the yoke and revive the Holy Russ'. The Russia, which is now lying hidden within home liturgies, within the souls of tanned by prayerful much-weeping for the sins of their ancestors and for their people suffering antichrist's deception.

Once everything is so bad, then why have I written such a title (Zarubeznhaya Rus' Is Still Alive!)? Because – after the example of Father Andrew (Yerastov), who was capable of investigating all the sad developments in the ROCA and see that the issue of the current situation, which so many conscientious pastors have happened under, it is not because of the national concealing essence of the issue, and that the rarest possible phenomenon now is to publicly own up a mistake, which was what Father Andrew made originally. With his behavior that God's pastor has indicated that the well-being of the earth church organization and – because of this – the cover-up by both clergy and faithful of the numerous iniquities of their clerical hierarchy is already a flouting and an offensive at the future of their Church and at its freedom granted by God (Catholicity). It seemed that the Zarybezhny (ROCA) pastors – not so numerous – are already unable to have a sober, fearless response to the problems of their Church. I am certain that people like father Andrew shall also be found in Argentina, and in the United States. It is thanks to them that there still is hope that after decades of turmoil ROCA would still be able to rise.

One has to agree with Metr. Agafangel for what he said during the Vth All-Diaspora Council, when he was elected to the post of the First Hierarch. And I quote his words:

"In general I am grateful to you and of course I am unworthy to stand in line with our First Hierarchs. I am ashamed of myself that I'm so unworthy, on account of the fact that I would somehow stand in the line of these eminent and holy men."

Yes, now – more than ever before – Vladyka Agafangel has to be ashamed, because he has failed to find in himself that much prudence and reasonableness to not raise sensitive issues, to not impose his views onto others, so that all this would not be a reason for the division as we observe now. This is exactly how the first hierarch, the first saint of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad is to act. Metropolitan Agafangel has failed to embark on the path of St. Philaret (Voznesenky) who with good (graceful) wisdom avoided involvement in political debates that could end up in schisms. I am talking here of the 1970-s, when in the ROCA there broke up a controversy around "Kirillovichites," and here is how the saint explains his neutral position:

"It is possible that – were I an ordinary bishop – I would have become closer to the Legitimists. But with the current position of mine I can only be neutral, without binding myself with any direct involvement in whichever of the political groupings, no matter who helmed them. Otherwise, having joined one, with such a preference I would push away the others, and there would appear a newer still discord in the Zarebezhye (Diocese Outside Russia)"[*].

Following the recent Council of Bishops we all see that the golden period of the Zarubezhny (outside Russia) saints is already over. Depending now on ordinary lay people and on conscientious ministers of the Throne of God is the future of the Russian OrthodoxChurch.

Additionally to the canonical rules enumerated by father Andrew, I would like to recall the existence of one more rule. This is Apostolic Canon 31, which permits clergy to separate themselvesfrom a bishop, who acts against truth and piety.

"If some presbyter, having ignored his own bishop, shall create a separate meeting, and shall establish another altar, having reproved neither the bishop in anything contrary to piety and righteousness: let him be deposed as lover of power (lyubonachalny). For he is a thief of power."

We see from this rule that piety is equally important as the juridical and doctrinal laws. How come? Because a doctrinal fall often happens due to a previous fall in the deed of morals. This is particularly necessary to know for the True Orthodox (faithful), as this name (True Orthodox), is no empty sound (phrase), not only it requires us to confess the true faith, but to also be true Christians, to live a Christian life, to observe both true confession (orthodoxy) and true life (orthopraxy). Without these two factors – in the words of Metr. Cyprian – the two wings – it is not possible to fly up to the Heavens, it is not possible also to call oneself what we call ourselves.

Alas, the current TOC figures have forgotten that it is extremely inappropriate to them to lie, slander, and insult each other. Should we fail to stop such behavior, which is getting legitimized with us – in the near future we shall finally lost the grace of God, and the history of the church shall deem it better to forget about us, as of a period that is shameful to this history.

Rd. Martin M. Pekarskiy
(former aid to the Internet Sobor portal)
Warsaw, December 13, 2014 (Church Julian Cal.)
Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes at Sebaste († ar. 284-305)
[*] - From the book "A Pillar of Fire" Metropolitan of New York and Eastern America Philaret (Voznesensky) and the Russian Church Abroad (1964-1985), Letter to Fr. George (Gregory) Grabbe written in 1967., St. Petersburg, 2007, p. 163.