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03 June 2023

On the End of the World - St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)


Table of Contents

·      About the End of the World.

o   1. About the Reason for man’s Apostasy from God

o   2. About the Kingdom of God

o   3. About the second coming of Christ

o   4. Networks of the peacekeeper

o   5. Reflections at Sunset

o   6. Conclusion from the "Otechnik" [on Fatherland] compiled by Bp. Ignatius



About the end of the world.

 1. About the reason for man’s apostasy from God

He that believeth on the Son (of God) hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).


So defines the unfalse Word of God. This determination of the Word of God takes place, in particular, over people, and takes place over entire nations. It happened with particular obviousness over the people of Israel, who were originally chosen by God's people, and subsequently became a predominantly outcast people. In the womb of the Israelite people, the God-man became human and accomplished the salvation of mankind; to no other people did he address his divine sermon; all His blessings He poured out exclusively on the chosen people; the chosen people rejected the God-man. In vain for fifteen centuries the divinely inspired legislator of Israel proclaimed terrible executions to him if he disobeyed God. In vain, for a whole millennium, the royal prophet of Israel delivered an exhortation to Israel about accepting the Redeemer granted by God to mankind: accept the punishment (kiss the Son — according to the translation from the Hebrew), lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way, when His wrath be kindled but a little” (Ps.2:12). In vain was Moses recited every Saturday, in vain were the psalms of David sung at every divine service, in vain were the threats of the holy legislator and the exhortation of the holy king repeated: the Jews rejected the Savior, stretched out their god-killing hands on the incarnate God. They reckoned the All-Perfect God to the category of criminals and gave him a reproachful execution as a criminal, as a criminal among criminals.

Letter 235 [BG] - Hieromonk Seraphim Rose - Step One in any kind of Spiritual Life



Letters 1976-61                 /                 1982-1977



10/23 август 1976 г.
Архидякон Лорънс

Скъпи брате в Христа, Николае,

Поздрави в нашия Господ Иисус Христос. Благодаря за писмото Ви . Оценявам сериозността на това, което сте написали, и ще отговоря със същата сериозност.

Преди всичко трябва да Ви кажа, че доколкото ни е известно, днес няма старци, т.е. истински богоносни старци (в духа на Оптинските старци), които биха могли да Ви ръководят не със собствената си мъдрост и разбиране на светите отци, а с просвещението на Светия Дух. Този вид напътствие не е дадено на нашето време – и честно казано, ние в своята слабост, корупция и грехове не го заслужаваме.

02 June 2023


Не е ли жалко - Джордж Харисън
/Нина Симоне/

(touching remix!)


А Не е ли жалко
все още не знаеш за какво говоря
но скоро ще ти кажа
жалко си е

А не е ли жалко
а не е ли срамно
да, как разбиваме сърцата си
и си причиняваме болка

01 June 2023


Armageddon Tomorrow (EXCERPT) - Sergey Valyansky, D. Kalyuzhny

Not blind opposition to progress, but opposition to blind progress.


Armageddon as the expected end of the world is considered a religious myth.

But now science confirms: Armageddon has ALREADY BEGIN.

But it was prepared not by God, but by man.

What have we done with the PLANET?

What have we done with our own SOCIETY?!

What awaits us TOMORROW?!

The authors of this book - well-known experts in history, political science and sociology - answer many of the "damned questions" of our days and show what options for the near future humanity has left.