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25 January 2023

30 Years of Open Ministry of the Bulgarian Old Calendar Orthodox Church ... English subs

Archimandrite Seraphim (Alexiev) - 30 yrs since his Repose /26Jan1993/





Стояние в истине вопреки соблазнам времени. Архимандрит Серафим (Алексиев)

Автор: чтецъ Мартинъ. Дата публикации: 04 июля 2013. Категория: Болгарская Старостильная Церковь.




The sun in blood sets in the West.
The day of October fades despondent.
Quietly leaves crumble and drip...
After a sad day, my eyelids flap to close,
I think... with my head inclined in laps.
A read newspaper, dumped near me,
it stands and looks at me with stupid eyes.
It tells me of terrible battles,
of numerous killed, wounded, and captured,
And now it is listlessly silent.
The heart is covered in blood and it suffers
for those who are lying somewhere in blood.
Leaves are dripping... and the evening is setting...
I think how leaf after lead is now falling
amidst the storm where many are dying today.
O Lord, the earth here is at peace –
we breathe freely and sleep a meek dream.
But...  how come the heavens are coloured in fire
over that end where the war rages
among horrors, crashes, fire and smoke!
How many mothers in this hour — O poor —
in sadness unspeakable wring hands,
waiting on the doorstep, all terrified
and their hearts tremble in the bright sunset
after a dear heart on the front!
O Lord, have mercy on Thy creatures –
on the quiet, meek, unknown souls!
Mortal trials are flaming today.
The world is swayed, burning in suffering,
but come Thee Thyself, and quench the fire!


14 January 2023

St. Seraphim of Sarov the Miracle Worker, 190th death anniversary

"Drink [water] where the horse drinks. A horse will never drink bad water. Place your bed where the cat is comfortable. Eat fruits that the worms choose. Plant a tree where a mole digs. Build a home where a snake basks in the sun. Dig a well, where birds nest in the sweltering heat. Look often up to the sky and not to your feet, and your thoughts will be clear and light. Keep more silent than you speak, and silence will come to your soul as well, and your spirit will be at peace and calm.''

St. Seraphim of Sarov the Miracle Worker

12 January 2023

Christ calls the sinful soul to Himself (from the book 'Our Prayer')


In St. Tikhon of Zadonsk we find the following touching words with which Christ calls the sinful soul to Himself:

"Why, man, did you leave Me?
Why have you turned away from Me, Who loves you?
Why did you join My enemy?
Remember that for you I came down from heaven.
Remember that for you I clothed myself in flesh.
Remember that for you I humbled myself!
Remember that for you I endured slander, insults, desecration, dishonor, wounds, spitting, slaps, ridicule!

04 January 2023

Faith - Only faith in true life is real.


     Faith is that which lives by God, and not by itself. Faith is a certain new air through which the objects of the world are seen in a new way and everything is seen in a new way. Faith is more reliable than any reality of this world; it is not only a conviction, but also a condition; and not only a state, but also an ascent “from glory to glory” (2 Cor. 3:18). Faith is good reality, and unbelief is a bad dream ... It is impossible to live in disbelief, just as it is impossible to live only in the present on this earth. And therefore, disbelief, in fact, is not. There is only faith, and there is falsehood.

     “Every man walketh in a vain shew” [like a ghost] (Ps. 39:7). There is no past, no future, but where is the present? Only faith in true life is real. “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matt. 28:20).

Petty Sin Apocalypse, a collection,
ArchBp. John Shakhovsky, (About Christian Faith)