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22 January 2014

The River of fire Огнената река – Александър Каломирос

Превод от английски

Огнената река
Автор: Александър Каломирос
Докладът на А. Каломирос, "The River of fire",
така както е бил представен пред

Православната [Младежка] Конференция
в Сиатъл, САЩ, през 1980 г.

Отговор на въпросите:          (1) Бог наистина ли е добър?
                                                  (2) Бог ли е създал ада?

Пронаос, северна стена: Страшният съд,
чудовището Левиатан,
в чиято паст се втича Огнената река на Ада.

Pronaos, north wall: Last Judgment,
the Leviathan monster,
into whose maw flows Hell’s River of Fire.

+ Во имя Отца, и Сина, и Светаго Духа.

Досточтими отци, скъпи братя и сестри:

Няма никакво съмнение, че живеем в епохата на отстъпление от Бога, предсказана за последните дни. На практика повечето хора са атеисти, въпреки че мнозина на теория все още вярват. Безразличието и духът на този свят властват навсякъде.

Коя е причината за туй състояние?

Причината е охладняването на любовта. Любовта към Бога вече не гори в сърцата на хората и като последица – любовта между нас е мъртва също.

А каква е причината за това угасване на човешката любов към Бога? Отговорът несъмнено е грехът. Грехът е тъмният облак, който не дава на Божията светлина да достигне до очите ни.

Но, грехът винаги е съществувал? Тъй че как така дотам не просто да игнорираме Бога, но и фактически да Го ненавиждаме. Отношението на хоратаа към Бога днес всъщност не е невежество или безразличие. Ако вникнете по-надълбоко в хората, ще забележите, че тяхното невежество или безразличие е белязано с една дълбока ненавист. Само че никой не ненавижда нещо, което не съществува.

Подозирам, че днес хората вярват в Бога повече от когато и да е било в цялата история на човечеството. Хората познават – по-добре от всякога – Свещеното Писание, учението на Църквата и Божието домостроителство. Те притежават пълно съзнание за това, че Бог съществува. Техният атеизъм не е истинско неверие. Това е по-скоро е отвращение към някого, когото познаваме много добре и при това го ненавиждаме с цялото си сърце: точно както правят и бесовете.

16 January 2014

Sermon on St. Seraphim of Sarov by St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco -- Serbia 1928

so much and simple

St. Seraphim of Sarov on the way to the near desert.
‘Andrey Rublev’ Museum, Moscow.
Beginning of 20 century. 

by St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco

       "In mid-summer they will sing for Pascha" – they used to say once in Sarov. 70 years have passed since the death of the one for whom these words were uttered, and on July 19, 1903 all of Russia echoed with praise songs glorifying God and His pleaser. Indeed, all of Russia was exulted then, as on a day of Holy Pascha, even more. 

       There followed terrible days for Russia, but the memory of Rev. Seraphim did not die or weaken. Russian people come to him in flows and praise him both within the tormented Motherland and in all imaginable ends of the world, where they have been dispersed. Other nations, too, began to get acquainted with the life of St. Seraphim; his live has been translated into different languages, causing not just admiration but also desire of many to make use in their lives of the lessons given us by the life of St. Seraphim. So, despite all the changes taking place in the world – the memory of St. Seraphim is not only not waning, but it is remaining a burning light, shining brighter and brighter for all humanity.

       In earthly lifetime it was very much the same. Cities went down, kingdoms were restored; Napoleon along with 12 nations went on Russia and then shamefaced left it; Moscow burned down and rose again from the ashes; Decembrists staged an uprising and were judged; and St. Seraphim it seemed was never touched by these developments. He was entirely busy with achieving "the sole thing needed"; he worked on "his spiritual growth". "Selfish, self-contained" "ignoramus who was not interested in anything other than what concerned him personally" – this is what many thinkers would say about him, not wishing to see even the slightest use of the exploits of self-perfection. But here – monk Seraphim dies. It would seem that now the image of this elder – escaping so persistently the world – would be absolutely erased from human memory. Instead a whole pilgrimage started towards his grave, in all parts of Russia those resorting to his intercession got help, consolation and edification, and his worshipping started spreading among other nations, too.

       What is the St. Seraphim’s strength? What is his exploit? He sought to fulfill the commandment of Christ: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." [Matt. 5:48]; he worked hard to restore in himself the pristine image of man corrupted later by sin. St. Seraphim reached his goal: he defeated sin and became a saint {Reverend}; he truly made of himself a likeness to God. We cannot see the invisible God. But God grants us to see Him in His likeness, in His saints {pleasers}. And here – one of these likenesses became St. Seraphim. In him we see the human nature restored, freed from the slavery to sin. He is the incarnated personification of the victory of the eternal over the transient, of holiness over sin, of good over evil. St. Seraphim with his example calls on all to follow the road indicated by Christ. He calls on us to fight against sin and our shortcomings, being a beacon and light for all who seek salvation. St. Seraphim calls on us to seek the highest good, the spiritual fruit, for which Apostle Paul said: "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance" [Gal. 5:22-23]. But in order to achieve this one should crucify "the flesh with the affections and lusts" [Gal. 5:24].

       Hard is the road to the heavenly kingdom, for sin has taken possession over human nature and has ruined it. Each of us has personal sins. There are also community {social} sins, which all the nation has sinned in. And so, the whole Russian people has sinned in this that it abandoned the pious life and customs of its ancestors, and started to accept and look for foreign to it non-Orthodox, it believed the calumny spread about the One Anointed by God, and allowed first the breaking of the crown, and then the killing of the entire family of its pious King, the one first who bowed to St. Seraphim’ relics. St. Seraphim called all to repentance and to straightening of life – both personal and social. Even though this road is hard, God's pleaser will help them follow it. St. Seraphim is the beacon and the light of this road, he is also an intercessor.

       Through the prayers of Thy Reverend, the father of ours Seraphim, O Lord, grant us repentance and victory over sin - to us, sinners, and lead us into Thy heavenly kingdom.


       Serbia, 1928

A LIST OF PASSIONS: by Saint Peter of Damascus

so much and simple

Translated from Greek to English
and [poorly] English => to Bulgarian

The passions are:

Harshness = trickery = malice = perversity = mindlessness = licentiousness = enticement = dullness = lack of understanding = idleness = sluggishness = stupidity = flattery = silliness = idiocy = madness = derangement = coarseness = rashness = cowardice = lethargy = dearth of good actions = moral errors = greed = over-frugality = ignorance = folly = spurious knowledge = forgetfulness = lack of discrimination = obduracy = injustice = evil intention = a conscienceless soul = slothfulness = idle chatter = breaking of faith = wrongdoing = sinfulness = lawlessness = criminality = passion = seduction = assent to evil = mindless coupling = demonic provocation = dallying = bodily comfort beyond what is required = vice = stumbling = sickness of soul = enervation = weakness of intellect = negligence = laziness = a reprehensible despondency = disdain of God = aberration = transgression = unbelief = lack of faith = wrong belief = poverty of faith = heresy = fellowship in heresy = polytheism = idolatry = ignorance of God = impiety = magic = astrology = divination = sorcery = denial of God = the love of idols = dissipation = profligacy = loquacity = indolence = self-love = inattentiveness = lack of progress = deceit = delusion = audacity = witchcraft = defilement = the eating of unclean food = soft living = dissoluteness = voracity = unchastity = avarice = anger = dejection = listlessness = self-esteem = pride = presumption = self-elation = boastfulness = infatuation = foulness = satiety = doltishness = torpor = sensuality = over-eating = gluttony = insatiability = secret eating = hoggishness = solitary eating = indifference = fickleness = self-will = thoughtlessness = self-satisfaction = love of popularity = ignorance of beauty = uncouthness = gaucherie = lightmindedness = boorishness = rudeness = contentiousness = quarrelsomeness = abusiveness = shouting = brawling = fighting = rage = mindless desire = gall = exasperation = giving offence = enmity = meddlesomeness = chicanery = asperity = slander = censure = calumny = condemnation = accusation = hatred = railing = insolence = dishonour = ferocity = frenzy =severity = aggressiveness = forswearing oneself = oathtaking = lack of compassion = hatred of one's brothers = partiality = patricide = matricide = breaking fasts = laxity = acceptance of bribes = theft = rapine = jealousy = strife = envy = indecency = jesting = vilification = mockery = derision = exploitation = oppression = disdain of one's neighbour = flogging = making sport of others = hanging = throttling = heartlessness = implacability = covenant-breaking = bewitchment = harshness = shamelessness = impudence = obfuscation of thoughts = obtuseness = mental blindness = attraction to what is fleeting = impassionedness = frivolity = disobedience = dullwittedness = drowsiness of soul = excessive sleep = fantasy = heavy drinking = drunkenness = uselessness = slackness = mindless enjoyment = self-indulgence = venery = using foul language = effeminacy = unbridled desire = burning lust = masturbation = pimping = adultery = sodomy = bestiality = defilement = wantonness = a stained soul = incest = uncleanliness = pollution = sordidness = feigned affection = laughter = jokes = immodest dancing = clapping = improper songs = revelry = flute playing = license of tongue = excessive love of order = insubordination = disorderliness = reprehensible collusion = conspiracy = warfare = killing = brigandry = sacrilege = illicit gains = usury = wiliness = grave-robbing = hardness of heart = obloquy = complaining = blasphemy = fault-finding = ingratitude = malevolence = contemptuousness = pettiness = confusion = lying = verbosity = empty words = mindless joy = daydreaming = mindless friendship = bad habits = nonsensicality = silly talk = garrulity = niggardliness = depravity = intolerance = irritability = affluence = rancour = misuse = ill-temper = clinging to life = ostentation = affectation = pusillanimity = satanic love = curiosity = contumely = lack of the fear of God = unteachability = senselessness = haughtiness = self-vaunting = self-inflation = scorn for one's neighbour = mercilessness = insensitivity = hopelessness = spiritual paralysis = hatred of God = despair = suicide = a falling away from God in all things = utter destruction -- altogether [290] 298 passions.

These, then, are the passions which I have found named in the Holy Scriptures. I have set them down in a single list, as I did at the beginning of my discourse with the various books I have used. I have not tried, nor would I have been able, to arrange them all in order; this would have been beyond my powers, for the reason given by St. John Klimakos: 'If you seek understanding in wicked men, you will not find it.' For all that the demons produce is disorderly. In common with the godless and the unjust, the demons have but one purpose: to destroy the souls of those who accept their evil counsel. Yet sometimes they actually help men to attain holiness. In such instances they are conquered by the patience and faith of those who put their trust in the Lord, and who through their good actions and resistance to evil thoughts counteract the demons and bring down curses upon them.

A LIST OF THE PASSIONS, Saint Peter of Damascus
The Philokalia; The Complete Text compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth, Volume Three
Translated from the Greek and edited by G.E.H. Palmer, Philip Sherard, Kallistos Ware faber and faber, 1984

[невеж] превод от английски

Списък на страстите: от Св. Петър Дамаскин 
велик монах-исихаст от 12 в. [1027-1107]

Страстите са следните:

Грубост = мошеничество = злоба = перверзност = безразличие = сладострастие = съблазняване = тъпота = липса на разбиране = леност = мудност = глупост = ласкателство = глупавост = идиотизъм = лудост = умопомрачение = рязкост = прибързаност = малодушие = отпуснатост = недостиг на добри действия = морални грешки = алчност = свръх-пестеливост = невежество = безумие = неистински знания = забрава = липса на благоразумие = упоритост = несправедливост = зло намерение = безсъвестна душа = мързеливост = брътвеж = накърняване на вярата = злодеяние = греховност = беззаконие = престъпност = страст = прелъстяване = съгласяване със зло = безсмислено съвокупление = демонична провокация = празноделие = телесен комфорт извън нужното = поквара = прегрешаване {препъване} = болест на душата = ослабление = слабост на интелекта = небрежност = мързел = осъдително униние = презрение към Бога = отклоняване = прегрешение = неверие = липса на вяра = грешно вярване = маловерие = ерес = причастност към ерес = многобожие = идолопоклонство = непознаване на Бога = безбожие = магия = астрология = врачуване = магьосничество = отричане от Бога = любов към идоли = разпуснатост = безпътство = приказливост = вялост = самовлюбеност = невнимателност = липса на напредък = измама = заблуда = безочливост = магьосничество = оскверняване = ядене на нечиста храна = безметежен живот = разрвратност = лакомия = нецеломъдрие = скъперничество = гняв = униние (отпадналост) = равнодушие = самомнение = гордост = самонадеяност = само-възгордяване = самохвалство = заслепление = низост = преситеност = тъпоумие = вцепенение (до тъпота) = чувственост = прекомерно ядене = лакомия = ненаситност = тайноядство = свинщина = ядене сам = равнодушие = непостоянство = самоволие = необмисленост = самодоволство = любов към популярността = невежеството към красотата = непохватност = нетактичност = лекомислие = дебелащина = грубост = свадливост = кавгаджийство = злоупотребяване = викане = шумно каране = биене = ярост = безумно жадуване = жлъчност = вбесяване = обиждане = враждебност = натрапчивост = изврътливост = рязкост = злословие = порицание = клевета = осъждане = обвинение = омраза = ругателство (насмешливост) = наглост = безчестие = свирепост = бесноватост = строгост = агресивност = отричане по клетва = кълнене = липса на състрадание = омраза към събратята = пристрастност = отцеубийство = майцеубийство = нарушаване на пости = слабохарактерност = приемане на подкупи = кражба = грабителство = ревност = разпри (несъгласие) = завист = неприличие = присмехулство = хулене = подиграване = присмех (осмиване) = експлоатиране = потисничеството = презрение към ближния = бичуване = взимане другите на подбив = обесване = задушаване = безсърдечие = непреклонност = нарушаване на завет (договореност) = омагьосване = жестокост = безсрамие = наглост = омрачаване на мислите = невъзприемчивост = умствена слепота = привличане към бързотечното (краткотрайното) = острастеност = фриволност = неподчиняване = тъпоумие = сънливост на душата = прекомерен спане = фантазиране = много пиене = пиянство = безполезност = небрежност = безумно наслаждение = само-снизхождение = venery (венеричество?) = използване на нечист език = женственост (за мъж) = необуздано желание = изгаряща похот = мастурбиране = сводничество = прелюбодеяние = содомия = скотщина = омърсеност = поквареност = замърсена душа = кръвосмешение = нечистоплътност = замърсеност = мизерия (нищета) = престорена обич = смях = шеги = нескромни танци = (ръко-)пляскане = неприлични песни = гуляене = свирене на флейта = разпуснатост на езика = прекомерна любов към реда = неподчиняване = безпорядъчност = влизане в осъдително споразумение = конспирация = воюване = убиване = разбойничество = светотатство = незаконни печалби = лихварство = лукавство = ограбване на гробове = коравосърдечност = безчестене = оплакване = богохулство = намиране на недостатъци = неблагодарност = злоба = надменност = дребнавост = объркване = лъжене = многословие = празнословие = безсмислена радост = мечтателност = безсмислено приятелство = лоши навици = неразумност = приказване на глупости = словоохотливост = свидливост = поквара = нетърпимост = раздразнителност = охолство = озлобение = злоупотребяване = лошо настроение = вкопчването в живота = суетност = преструване = малодушие = сатанинска любов = любопитство = оскърбление = липса на страх Божи = невъзприемчивост = безчувствие = надменност = самохвалство = самовъзгордяване = презрение към ближния = немилостивост = нечувствителност = безнадеждност = духовна парализа = омраза към Бога = отчаяние = самоубийство = отпадане от Бога във всичко = пълно унищожение – всичко на всичко [290] 298 страсти.

Тези, значи, са страстите, които съм намерил посочени по име в Светото Писание. Събрах ги в един списък, както го сторих в началото на общението ми с различните книги, които използвах. Не съм се опитал - нито пък съм могъл - да ги подредя; това би било извън силите ми поради причините, изложени от св. Йоан Климакос: "Ако търсите разбиране в нечестивци, няма да го намерите." Защото всичко, което демоните произвеждат, е безредно. Ведно с безбожниците и несправедливите, демоните имат само една цел: да унищожат душите на онези, които приемат злите им съвети. Но понякога те всъщност помагат на хората да постигнат святост. В такива случаи те биват победени от търпението и вярата на онези, които се уповават на Господ и които – чрез своите добри действия и противене на злите помисли, противодействат на демоните и свалят проклятията върху тях. 
"Списък на страстите", Св.Петър Дамаскин
'Филокалия' (Philokalia - Добротолюбие); пълният текст, съставен от Св. Никодим Светогорец и Св. Макариос Коринтски, том трети
Преведено [на английски] от гръцки и редактирано от Г.Е.Х. Палмер, Филип Шерард, Калистос Уеър Фабер и Фабер, 1984 г.

Defenselessness (not helplessness) by John (Shahovskoy, prince Dimitry; 1902-1989)

so much and simple

St Martyr Great Princess
Elisabeth Fyodorovna

Света Преподобномъченица
велика княгиня Елисавета Фьодоровна


All’s bound by a pledge of Earth –
A night for beasts, expanse for white birds;
But who can hide behind the whiteness,
and who can stand up for an angel?

No one’s more defenseless in the world than them
No one is deeper hidden in a cold world.
One must light fires up before them,
One must extol them with the loudest lyre

And say that Angels always when
Saving mortals fall into an abyss.
They walk along the wise men, like a star
Guard giving birth, and spare on demise.

How many insults, how many words
the world says all in vain about the angels –
"All is amidst foundations of the earth,
And Angels only simply cannot be!"

Ye Guardian Angel, if, though even loving,
Through inattention your whisper I have hurt,
Forgive me. I know that all will see you
in an hour of the latest farewell.

When dusk upon earth finally falls
And empty talks tie up forever,
All angels, just like ships, will come
To combat the last defenselessness.

A poem written by John, 
Archbishop of San Francisco


Всичко е свързано с поръка земна:
За зверовете – нощ, простор – за бяла птица;
Но кой ли може се укри зад белотата,
И кой - за ангела да се застъпи?

От тях по-беззащитни няма на света,
Няма по-укрити в тоз студен свят.
Пред тях трябва да се палят огньове,
Тях трябва да възпяват с най-силна лира

И да казват, че ангелите винаги когато
Спасяват смъртни, падат в пропастта.
Като звезда те с влъхвите вървят,
Раждането охраняват, кончина спестяват.

Но колко оскърбления и колко много думи
Светът изговорва за ангелите всуе –
"Всичко съществува сред земни основи,
И само ангели не съществуват!"

Ангеле-хранителю, ако макар да те обичам,
Твоя шепот израних със невнимание,
Прости ме. Зная, че теб ще видят всички –
в часа на късното свидание.

Когато сумрак падне над земята
И свържат се навек словата празни
Вси ангели ще дойдат, като кораби,
На бой с последната беззащитност.

Стихотворение, написано от Иоан, 
архиепископ Сан-Франциски


so much and simple

Триадицкий епископ Фотий

(белезите за пребъдване в църквата)
в катедралния храм „Успение на Пресвета Богородица”
12 юли (29 юни, ст. ст.) 2010 г.

       Во имя Отца и Сина и Святаго Духа!
       Днес, възлюбени, славим два христолики стълба на Христовата Църква – Светите Апостоли Петър и Павел. Апостол Павел казва на повярвалите в малоазийския град Ефес – а чрез тях и на всички християни: вие "се утвърждавате върху основата на апостолите и пророците, имайки Самия Иисуса Христа за краеъгълен камък, върху който възраства цялото здание – стройно сглобено – в храм свят чрез Господа, и върху който и вие се съзиждате в жилище Божие чрез Духа" [Еф. 2:20-22]. Със словото си, със живота си, с духоносното си огнено свидетелство за Богочовека Христос апостолите – начело с Петър и Павел – са стълбове, основа, слава, незамлъкващ глас на Христовата Църква като Богочовешко Тяло – като Тяло, в което и ние със вас сме призвани да се съзиждаме в жилище Божие чрез Духа, според току-що приведените апостолски думи.
       Какво означава да пребъдваш във Църквата? Може би този въпрос на мнозина ще се стори странен или почти неуместен. Но ако се запитаме в какво се изразява нашата принадлежност към църквата, няма ли съвестта да ни упрекне, че в много отношения принадлежността ни към църквата е или формална – или обратно – дейна! Дейна по убеждение и според известни ценности и нагласи – и ние принадлежим на църквата – формално или по-усърдно, така както безчет люде принадлежат към някаква организация, сдружение, движение, партия, клуб... – със съответни права и задължения – място, където са привикнали да идват, да общуват помежду си, да вършат нещо, което е прието!
       Вярно е, че в живота на Христовата Църква има и водоравно измерение – това е измерение на взаимно общуване – по въпроси, които не са пряко свързани с духовния живот най-общо казано. Но ако този вид общуване надделява в нашата действителност, ако ние идваме тук – да!, да се помолим, но... – по някой път службите са дълги, не сме се виждали с някого, или пък сме неспокойни и имаме потребност да кажем на някого нещо, но излизаме и започваме да говорим неща, наглед може би и не толкова – и съществени, и даже не наглед! – съществени!, свързани с някои от водоравните измерения на църковния живот! Или пък – водени от желание да чуем нещо ново, да споделим и ние нещо, просто така да си побъбрим с близки хора! То ние сме окаяни и три пъти окаяни, ако този вид общуване надделява в нашето съзнание, в нашето поведение, в нашите взаимоотношения в църквата, в храма Божий. Тогава ние ще заприличаме на древните езичници – и по-точно на жителите на Атина, за които говори дееписателят – Св. Ап. Лука в Деяния Апостолски, че не обичали нищо друго повече от това да говорят и да слушат нещо ново – нещо за този, за онзи, за онази... Ще бъдем нещо като твърде жалък – християнския вариант! – на този езически обичай, нрав.
       В какво се изразява нашето пребъдване в Църквата? В посещаване на едно, второ, трето и така нататък (поредно) богослужение?!? Богослужебният живот в църквата не е просто поредица от събития! Днес – това, утре – друго! Богослужебният живот на църквата е естественото живеене на самата църква, богослужебният живот е пулсът и диханието на това живеене. И ако ние имаме законническата нагласа – сега ще отида на служба, но пък следващият път може и да не отида – ще стане много! пък имам и други неща да върша – безспорно човек има и други задължения и неизбежно ги степенува! Но – как гледаме ние на богослужението, на молитвата в храма – като на живеене, като на дихание и пулс?!? Съграждаме ли се ние в църквата, в жилище Божие чрез Духа, чрез Светия Дух, Който е душа и сърце на църквата?!? Имаме ли жива потребност да участваме естествено в църковния живот като молитва, като съвместна молитва – преди всичко!, а сетне – и останалото? Ако ние нямаме такава потребност, и ако – повтарям! – в нашите мисли, съзнание, нагласи, поведение, отношение надделява видът общение, за който стана реч, то тогава нашата принадлежност към църквата не е живо пребъдване, не е участие – или поне пълнокръвно участие – но не поне! – защото това е всъщност целта – не е пълнокръвно участие в църковния живот.

       Във всяко едно добропорядъчно жилище има йерархичен ред. Възрастващата йерархична стълбица на властта в църквата – представлява какво! – представлява СТЕПЕНИ НА НАРАСТВАЩО ПО ОТГОВОРНОСТТА СИ СЛУЖЕНИЕ! Т.е. колкото по-висша е степента на власт, която ти имаш в църквата, толкова по-отговорно е служението на църквата, на Тялото Христово, на народа Божий! Колко много сме се отдалечили от тази светоевангелска истина, от тази апостолска истина. Голямо е мнозинството на архиереите в православния свят, което – уви!, имат нрав на източни властелини. Не е малко числото на свещениците – и особено на свещеномонасите, които се изживяват като духовни старци, авторитетни ръководители – които всъщност формират култ към собствената си личност у тия, които – уж духовно! – обгрижват.
       И тъй – властта в църквата е служение! А отношението към тия, които са облечени с духовна власт, би следвало да бъде отношение на искрена почит, отношение – израз на любов – на Христова любов! Тази любов безспорно следва да е взаимна! Колцина от нас носят съзнанието, че пребъдването в църквата като в Тяло Христово е наистина служение?!? Служение на епископа, служение на свещениците, служение на миряните... И колко тъжно е, когато немалка част от изговаряните тук приказки, думи са осъждания, обсъждания, критики, недоволство... – понякога и обиди, и клевети... Тежи, възлюбени, много тежи всичко това! Защото то е белег, че нашата принадлежност към църквата не е същинска, не е автентична, не е достоверна, не е живо пребъдване в живота на църквата!
       И все пак – как да се съзиждаме в жилище Божие чрез Духа? Всяка една оделотворена в живота на църквата ни Христова заповед – е жив камък в тялото на църквата, акт на съзиждане – всяка една изпълнена заповед! Всяко едно съчувствие, всяка една добра дума, всяка проява на такт, всяка една чистосърдечна прошка, всяка проява на внимание, всяко изпълнение на Христовите заповеди! О! – ние бихме били блажени, ако можехме – тук! – живо и на дело! – да благославяме тия, които ни проклинат, да правим добро на ония, що ни мразят, да се молим – искрено! – за тия, които ни гонят и обиждат! Ето ги белезите за пребъдване в църквата, ето ги белезите за съзиждане, за съзиждане на всички нас, на всеки едного от нас и на всички ни заедно – като жилище Божие чрез Духа – по думите на Св. Ап. Павел.
       По молитвите на светите славни, всехвални, първовърховни апостоли Петър и Павел да ни удостои Господ да изпълним попрището на земните си дни като живи членове на Неговата Църква, да преминем през дверите на смъртта като живи членове на Неговата Църква – и да се приобщим в неумиращия вечен живот с Христа Иисуса, нашият Творец, Изкупител, Спасител и Господ, Който заедно с Неговия безначален Отец и със Пресветия благ и животворящ Дух, е благословен сега и в безкрайността на бъдещия век! Амин!

Bishop Fotii of Triaditsa

(the signs of abiding in the church)
at the Cathedral Church „Assumption of Most Holy Theotokos”
July 12 (June 29, O. C.) 2010

       In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!
       Today beloved, we glorify two Christ-faced pillars of the Church of Christ – the St. Apostles Peter and Paul. Apostle Paul tells those who have believed in the Asia Minor city of Ephesus – and through them to all Christians: you "are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." [Eph. 2:20-22] With their speech, with their life, with their spirit-bearing fiery testimony of God-Man Christ the Apostles, - helmed by Peter and Paul – are pillars, basis, glory, never subsiding into silence voice of the Christ’s Church as God-Man’s Body – as a body, where we – you and I, too, are called to be builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit, according to the apostolic words just quoted.

       What does it mean to abide in the Church? Maybe this question will – to many, seem strange or almost irrelevant. But if we ask ourselves what our membership of the church is expressed in, won’t our conscience rebuke us, that in many ways our belonging to the church is either formal – or vice versa – active! Active by conviction and according to certain values and mind-sets – and we belong to the church – formally or more diligently – the same as a myriad of people belong to some organization, association, movement, party, club ... – with the respective rights and obligations – a place where they are accustomed to come and communicate with each other, to do something that is accepted!
       It is true that Christ’s Church’s life has also a horizontal dimension – a dimension of mutual communication – on issues not directly related to the spiritual life in general. But if this type of interaction prevails in our reality, if we come here - yea, to pray some, but... – sometimes the services are long, we have not seen someone, or we are anxious and we need to tell someone something, but we go out and start talking things that seemingly perhaps are not so much… – essential, – and even not seemingly! – but things essential! – associated with some of the horizontal dimensions of church life! Or – driven by a desire to hear something new, and for us to share something, just to chatter with people close! Then we are miserable and three times miserable if this type of interaction prevails in our minds, in our conduct, in our relationships in the church, in the temple of God. Then we will become like the ancient pagans – and in particular like the people of Athens, for whom the acts author – St. Ap. Luke speaks in the Acts of the Apostles – that they loved nothing else more than to speak and listen to something new – something for this, for that man, for that woman... Will be something like a too shabby – the Christian version! – of this pagan custom, disposition.
       What is our abiding in the Church expressed in? In attendance of one, of a second, a third and so on (consecutive) worship?? Ecclesiastical life in the church is not just a series of events! Today - this tomorrow - that! Ecclesiastical life of the church is the natural living of the church itself, ecclesiastical life is the pulse and breath of this living. And if we have an old-testament lawyers’ attitude – now I will go to service, but next time I might not go – it will be too much! And I have many other things to do – no doubt, a man has other obligations and inevitably one classifies these! But – how do we view worship, prayer in the temple – as living, like the breath and heartbeat?? Are we being builded in the church together for a habitant of God through the Holy Spirit, Who is the heart and soul of the church?? Do we have the living necessity to partake in the church life naturally – such as prayer, prayer together – above all!, and only then – the rest, as well? In case we do not have such a need, and if – I repeat! – in our thoughts, minds, dispositions, conduct, attitude prevails the type of communication, which I spoke about, then our belonging to the church is not a living abiding, it is not a participation – or at least not a full-blooded participation – but no, not at least! – because this is the purpose indeed – it is not a full-blooded participation in church life.

       In each good and decent house there is hierarchical order. The growing hierarchical ladder of power in the church – is what! – it is DEGREES OF GROWING RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR MINISTRY! I.e. the higher the degree of power that you have in the church, the more responsible is the ministry of the church, of the Body of Christ, of the people of God! How far have we strayed from this Holy-evangelic truth, from this apostolic truth. Big is the majority of prelates in the Orthodox world, who – alas!, have the temper of Eastern potentate. Not small is the number of priests – and especially monastic priests who experience themselves as spiritual elders, authoritative leaders – who in actual fact form a cult to their own personality amidst those who they – seemingly spiritually! – care for.
       And so – power in the church is ministry! And the attitude towards those who are clothed in spiritual power should be an attitude of sincere honor, respect – an expression of love – of Christ’s love! This love should certainly be mutual! How many of us have the awareness that abiding in the church as in the Body of Christ is in fact a ministry?? Ministry of bishops, ministry of priests, ministry of laity... And how sad it is when a significant part of the here spoken talks, words are judgments, discussions, criticisms, discontent... – sometimes insults and slander... Oh, how heavy, beloved, how very heavy this all is! Because it is a sign that our belonging to the church is not essential, it is not authentic, it is not trust-worthy, it is not a living abiding in the life of the church!
       And yet – how are we to be builded together in an habitant of God through the Spirit? Each one of Christ orders transformed into deeds in the life of our church – is a living stone in the body of the church, an act of building up – each fulfilled order! Each one act of sympathy, every single good word, any manifestation of tactfulness, each sincere forgiveness, each act of attention, any fulfilling of the commandments of Christ! Oh! – We would be blessed if we could – here! - alive and in actual deed! - bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, to pray – honestly! – for those who persecute and offend us! These are the signs of abiding in the church, these are the signs of being builded together, of all of us being builded topgether, of each and every one of us and of us all in one – as an habitant of God through the Spirit – in the words of St. Ap. Paul.
       By the prayers of the Holy glorious, all-praise-worthy, first Apostles Peter and Paul may Lord grant us the honor to fulfill the course of our earthly days as living members of His Church; to go through the gates of death as living members of His Church – and to commune in one with the undying eternal life with Christ Jesus, our Creator, Redeemer, Savior and Lord, Who together with His Father of no beginning and His most Holy and live-giving Spirit, is blessed now and unto eternity of the age to come! Amen! 

Пресвятая Богородице, спаси нас!
Most Holy Theotokos, do save us!

Св. Иоан Предтеча St. John Forerunner (вгледайте се в тази икона...) (take a deeper look at this icon...)

so much and simple

Тази икона е от пощенска картичка - копие на икона, пазена (недостъпна за публика) в Рилския манастир, която до ден-днешен не съм се удостоил да зърна...

Дали разбираме дадено нещо - или не - предопределението се извършва... И Св. Иоан стана не само Предтеча - а и Кръстител Господен!

А Ню Йорк? А Лондон?

А какво ли още не виждаме...

Или не искаме да знаем, или да чуем...

(Връзките под иконата водят до беседата на Св. Серафим (Роуз) за последните времена - личби)

... И се молим с любов...

А във филма ще се подивите на:

Част 1 Честната глава на Великия Пророк и Предтеча Христов Св. Иоан Кръстител

Част 2 Св. Първоапостол Павел – юдеинът Савел – след като Господ му се явил в пустинята – приел Християнство в Дамаск (където Каин убил брат си Авел), а през 67 г. главата му била отсечена в Рим, където и до днес почиват светите му мощи

Св. Аверий
Свт. Иоан Златоуст (нетленната му десница и честната глава е в манастира Ватопед в Св. Гора)
Преп. Иоан Дамаскин („Точно изложение на Православната Вяра)
Първоапостолите Петър и Павел – основатели на Антиохийската църква

Част 3 Ев. Лука – Саиднайската икона на Божията Майка ('Шагура' – знаменитата, всеизвестната) е една от 4-те икони, нарисувани по предание на Св. Ап. Ев. Лука – чудотворния образ на Пресв. Богородица на манастирското стълбище – в деня на Св. Христофор (манастир на негово име)

Част 4 Честният пояс на Божията Майка – гр. Хомс, Сирия,църквата Ам Азеннар

Първомъченик Архидякон Стефан

Част 5 Св. първомъченица равноапостолна Фекла (манастир на нейно име има в Сирия, в гр. Маалюля ('вход') – ок. 7 000 жители, които единствени говорят на езика (наречието) на Христа – аарамейски; най-близка ученичка на първоапостол Павел) разтопената скала – за запазване на целомъдрието; деца се молят с „Отче наш“ на аарамейски

Свещеномъченик Игнатий Богоносец

Част 6 Св. Великомъченик и Победоносец Георги (убил змея през 4 в. именно на ливанска земя – гр. Жуми, отпечатък на копито на небесния му кон с диаметър 1,5 м.) – покровител на Грузия и на гр. Москва

Част 7 Св. Великомъченица Варвара – родена в гр. Балбек, Ливан; благоухаещите й мощи и днес намират покой във Владимирския събор, Киев (от 13 в.)

Преп Симеон Стълпник
Преп Давид Горяджийски – пренесъл от Йерусалим благодатния камък
Преп. ... Чудотворец – покровител на грузинските царе
Преп Антоний Мартковский Чудотворец – пренесъл в Грузия неръкотворния образ на Иисус Христос
Преп. Ефрем Сирин
Преп. Андрей Критски
Свещеномъченик Киприан и мъченица Иустина
Свт. Евстахий Антиохийски
Свт. Нина Равноапостолна
Блаж. митр. Илия (Карам) – на когото се явила Божията Майка и предала слова за спасението на Русия и благодарение изпълнението на тези думи и поръчения Русия победила във Втората Световна Война

но ЛОГОС е нещо много по-просто и по-велико
от ЛОГИКАТА, тъй като човешката логика е твърде слаба...
. . .

This icon is from a postcard - copy of the icon kept (away from the public) at the Rila Monastery (in Bulgaria), which to date I have not had the honor of glancing...

Whether we understand a given thing - or we don't - predestination is taking place... And St. John became not only Forerunner - but also Baptist of our Lord!

And New York? And London?

And what else yet we miss seeing...

Or we miss knowing, or hearing...

(Links under the icon refer to the talk of St. Seraphim (Rose) on last times - signs)

And we keep praing in love...

And in the film you will amaze at:

Part 1 Honest Head of the Great Prophet and Christ’s Forerunner St. John the Baptist

Part 2 First Apostle St. Paul – the Jew Saul – after the Lord appeared to him in the desert – he accepted Christianity in Damascus (where Cain killed his brother Abel) and in 67 his head was cut off in Rome, where to this day his holy relics rest

St. Averius
St. John Chrysostom (his imperishable hand and his honest head is at the Vatoped monastery on Mount Athos)
Rev. John Damascene ("True statement of the Orthodox Faith")
First Apostles Peter and Paul – founders of the Antioch Church

Part 3 Ev. Luke - Saidnay icon of the Mother of God ('Shagura' - famous, known to all) is one of the 4 icons painted on the bequest by St. Ap. Ev. Luke – the miracle-working image of the Most holy Theotokos on the convent's staircase – on the day of St. Christopher (a monastery in his name)

Part 4 The honorable belt of the Mother of God - town of Homs, Syria, Am Azennar church

First martyr archdeacon Stefan

Part 5 First martyr equal-to-the-apostles St. Thekla (a monastery in Syria, in the town of Maalyulya ('entry')- ca. 7 000 inhabitants who are the only people on earth who speak Christ’s language (dialect) - Aaramian; the closest disciple of first Ap. Paul), the molten rock - to preserve chastity; children pray with "Our Father" in Aaramian

Priest martyr Ignatius Theophorus

Part 6 St. Great Martyr George the Victorious (he killed the dragon in the 4-th century precisely in Lebanon - town of Zhumi, an imprint of his heavenly horse’s hoof with a diameter of 1.5 meters) - the patron saint of both Georgia and of Moscow

Part 7 St. Great Martyr Barbara - born in the town Balbek, Lebanon; her sweet smelling relics are resting today in the Vladimir Cathedral, Kiev (since 13-th c.)

Rev. Simeon (tower) Hermit
Rev. David Goryadzhiyski - moved from Jerusalem stone blissful
Rev. ... Miracle Worker - the patron saint of the Georgian kings
Prep. Mitr. Anthony Wonder Worker – he moved to Georgia the image not made by hands of Jesus Christ
Rev. Ephraim of Syria
Rev. Andrey of Crete
Priest martyr Cyprian and martyr Iustina
St. Evstahiy of Antioch
St. Nina equal-to-the-apostles
Blessed. mitr. Elijah (Karam) - to whom the Mother of God appeared and delivered words for the salvation of Russia and through the implementation of those words and instructions Russia was victorious in WWII

but LOGOS is much simpler and much greater
than LOGIC as human logic is too poor...

CAN WE BE TRUE CHRISTIANS? ... [for us to want TO BE and TO BECOME and not TO HAVE!]

so much and simple

                              Sermon on Sunday of All Bulgarian Saints 2010
                      [for us to want TO BE and TO BECOME and not TO HAVE!]

From: BulgarianOrthChurch| June 06, 2010 | 31 views
The sermon was delivered by His Grace, Bishop Photii, of Triaditsa,
at the Most Holy Theotokos Assumption Church, Sofia.

       In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!
       Today, beloved, is a day of spiritual celebration of our native residents-of-heaven, of our spiritual fathers and mothers who have testified and are testifying that our ancestry is from the heaven, that man is a true man when he lives with God and sees neighbors as part of himself, sees them in this way – sincerely and kind-heartedly, and serves them with humility and love.
       What is the essence of today’s holiday and what is our share in it? Is this only the holiday? In a [certain] sequence: from worship – then we taste consecrated food – we talk a bit, we speak shortly or longer – and we leave! And – seemingly – with this the holiday is over! No, of course not! The essence of the holiday is by far NOT in this!
       We are called to partake in this celebration – not to attend it, but exactly to participate! And this holiday is not limited to this day only – today is only its most vivid expression! To have in essence a share in this holiday, to partake in it, means – to the extent of our, albeit small faith – to integrate ourselves with the lives of our native intercessors before God's throne. We need to desire to live with God, in God; we need to wish to integrate ourselves into the lives of our native saints, for us to want TO BE and TO BECOME and not TO HAVE!
       Not to possess, to have – earthly goods and human souls; not to fight for a small mass of earth; not to want to place human personalities in dependence, because we have a need to be loved and valued; not to want to pile our hearts with earthly treasures! But (rather) for us to want TO BE and TO BECOME! For us TO BE and TO BE FOR AGES of Christ; for us TO BE BEING and TO BE [become] humble servants of our neighbors in the name of Christ; for us TO BE and TO BECOME children of our native residents-of-heaven! This is, beloved, the condition for us to partake in today’s holiday!
       But not only this! I think it will not be exaggerated if I say that this is the condition for us to simply live as Christians. A conscious choice of ours is to be the choice ‘for us TO BE BEING and TO BE’! For us to consciously and firmly overthrow the choice I WANT TO – HAVE, TO OWN, TO GOVERN, for it TO BE MINE! The latter choice implies that the focus of our lives, of the meaning of this life – is we ourselves: I want to have, I want to own, I want to govern, I want them to value me, I want them to love me, I want them to listen to me, I want.... I want..., I want…
       Our native residents-of-heaven! forgive us and help us! Ask Christ the Savior to resurrect our souls, so we may become alive in Him, for us to utterly desire – from our whole beings – TO BE and TO BECOME, and not TO HAVE [want]; for us to utterly desire to live for the heavenly truth, for the eternal life in Jesus Christ, our Lord – Who together with His Father and with the Sweet and Life-giving Spirit may be most glorified now and ever and unto eternal ages! Amen!

Тропар - св. Спиридон Тримитунтски

so much and simple

На първия събор си се показал поборник и чудотворец,
богоносни отче наш Спиридоне. 

Затова и мъртвия от гроба си извикал
и змията в злато си превърнал;
и когато си пеел светите молитви,
ангели са служели с тебе, пресвещени.

Слава на Дарилия ти сила, 
слава на Увенчалия те, 
слава на Даващия чрез тебе 
изцеления на всички!

[The Miracle of St. Spyridon at the Cathedral Church in Karistos, Greece, 1930]



       The old woman Zinovia Sideri (who lived to the age of 102) told about Saint Spyridon’s miracle in 1976. She was one of the numerous witnesses attending the event, which at the time was reported by the Athens news newspaper “Script”.

       Here's what the old woman Zinovia told:

        “It was Christ’s Nativity by the new calendar. Then I still had not gone over to the Old-calendarists. I came to the Vespers service at the “St. Nicholas” church. It was full of people. I stood on the left side, near one of the church columns. On this column, just above me there hung an icon of Saint Spyridon, a gift by [Mr.] Anthonius Lumidis of Piraeus. The icon was decorated with a flower that had remained from the Saint’s feast by the new calendar.

       When the priest who liturgized – Father Silas – after the small entrance began to incense and to sing the Troparion for Christmas: “Thy Nativity, O Christ our God...”, the icon of St. Spyridon suddenly began to bang so hard onto the column that the flower fell off it. Seeing that sign, the folks were petrified with horror. The priest and the singers stopped singing. Then one of the multitude shouted out: “Today is the feast of St. Spyridon by the old calendar. Sing his troparion!”

       The singers and the priests went “dumb”. Immediately all the faithful began singing in one voice: “At the first ecumenical Council you showed to be a fighter and wonder-worker, [you,] God-bearing Spyridon, father of ours ... [«Собора перваго показался еси поборник и чудотворец, Богоносни Спиридоне, отче наш...»” (Troparion of the Saint). And while still singing the troparion of the saint his icon began little by little to “sooth down” and finally it altogether stopped hitting the column.”

       The next day the “Karestini” newspaper promulgated this wonderful event. All residents of Karistos and its environs were talking about the miracle and acknowledged the rightness of the old-calendar movement.

       Later, on December 29 the “Karestini” newspaper wrote: “... On the next day the icon disappeared from its place. Many believe that it was taken out deliberately so that further the issue of the calendar would be raised no more; and the faithful promptly began to speak about it and many went over to the Old-calendarists. And so the public in Karistos was filled with justified resentment and thoughts that someone was maliciously making fun of the religious feelings and the holy icons, as to date the icon has not been returned to its place despite the insistence by all people.”

(“Ta Patria”, v.VII, 1988, p. 132-133)

Translation from Serbian. From “Православно слово” [“Orthodox Word”]: Our heartful gratitude goes to the Serbian Orthodox site «Библиотека Свети Наум» [St. Naum Library] for making this text available.

© 2001-2005. “Православно слово” [“Orthodox Word”].

Troparion to Saint Spyridon, bishop of Trimythus

Thou wast the Champion of the First Synod and [thou appeared] a wonderworker, / O God-bearing Spyridon, our father. / Thou didst speak to one dead in the grave, / and transformed a serpent into gold, / and while thou wast chanting the holy prayers / the Angels were serving with thee. / Glory to Him Who hast glorified thee gave, / glory to Him Who hast crowned thee, / glory to Him Who through thee works healings for all.


Akathist to St. Spyridon


Akathist to St Spyridon

Akathist hymn to the holy hierarch & wonderworker Spyridon, bishop of Tremithus

December 30, 2016 (by) akathisttostspyridon 

Kontakion 1

O holy hierarch and wonderworker Spyridon, who hast been glorified by the Lord! Celebrating now thy most honoured memory, with tenderness we cry out to thee, as one who art able greatly to assist us with Christ Who hath glorified thee: From all misfortunes and evil deliver us, that we may cry out to thee in thanksgiving: Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Ikos 1

Adorned from thy youth with all the virtues, and emulating the angels of Christ in thy life, O holy hierarch Spyridon, thou didst truly show thyself to be His friend. And beholding thee, the heavenly man and earthly angel, we cry out to thee with tenderness:

  • Rejoice, mind contemplating the mysteries of the All-holy Trinity;

  • Rejoice, thou who hast been enriched by the all-radiant splendour of the Spirit!

  • Rejoice, beacon of great brilliance;

  • Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten thy mind with dispassion!

  • Rejoice, thou who didst love true simplicity and serenity from childhood;

  • Rejoice, adornment of chastity!

  • Rejoice, inexhaustible torrent of love;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate the hospitality of Abraham!

  • Rejoice, for in an abundance of love thou didst open the doors of thy house to all;

  • Rejoice, intercessor for the poor!

  • Rejoice, thou before whom men offer reverence;

  • Rejoice, for thou art the abode of the All-holy Spirit!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontakion 2

Beholding thine incorrupt relics, from which abundant healings flow, the island of Cyprus and all Christian lands rejoice, O holy hierarch; and, honouring thee as a fountain overflowing with grace sent down upon us from on high, we cry out to the ultimate Bestower of the good things of heaven and earth: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

Possessing divine understanding, while yet a shepherd of dumb sheep thou wast chosen to be the shepherd of the reason-endowed sheep by the providence of Christ the Chief Shepherd. And, understanding thee to be a good shepherd who showest untiring care for thy flock, the faithful cried out:

  • Rejoice, O high priest of God Most High, who received divine grace in abundance at thy consecration;

  • Rejoice, most luminous lamp, burning and shedding light!

  • Rejoice, faithful husbandman in the garden of Christ;

  • Rejoice, shepherd who nurtured thy flock on the meadow of faith and piety!

  • Rejoice, thou who hast illumined the world with the rays of thy virtues;

  • Rejoice, thou who offered the divine sacrifice at the throne of Christ!

  • Rejoice, hierarch adorned with the understanding of Orthodoxy;

  • Rejoice, thou who art full of the teaching of the apostles, giving drink to the faithful with the streams of the doctrine of salvation!

  • Rejoice, for thou didst shed light upon the wise;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst make new the hearts of the simple!

  • Rejoice, glory of the Orthodox and unshakeable foundation of the Church;

  • Rejoice, adornment of the Faith, glory and boast of reverent priests!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 3

Thou wast shown to be divinely wise by the power of the Most High which overshadowed thee, O holy hierarch Spyridon; and, grasping a tile in thy hand, thou didst manifestly demonstrate to all the Trinity of Persons in the Godhead. Wherefore, the philosophers of false knowledge assembled at the Council were stricken with awe, but the faithful glorified our unfathomable God Who made thee wise unto salvation, crying out to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

All the Fathers of the Council, considering thee to be a simple man, unskilled in book learning, begged thee, O father Spyridon, not to enter in debate with the rhetor whom they thought to be wise. Yet, aflame with zeal for God, O holy hierarch, and believing that the preaching of Christ lieth not in the persuasive words of human wisdom, but in the manifestation of the Spirit and of power, thou didst most wisely reprove and admonish him, and didst guide him to the way of truth. And seeing this wonder, all cried out:

  • Rejoice, light of Orthodox wisdom;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst put to shame the disputers who were said to be wise!

  • Rejoice, abundant wellspring of grace;

  • Rejoice, unshakable tower holding fast those who are in the Faith!

  • Rejoice, thou who dost cast most pernicious heresy into darkness;

  • Rejoice, thou by whom foolishness was trampled underfoot!

  • Rejoice, for in thy hands the dust of the earth proclaimed the Holy Trinity;

  • Rejoice, for from the tile thou didst bring forth fire and water to confirm the dogma of the Holy Trinity!

  • Rejoice, for thou didst enlighten the people to glorify the Word Who is truly of one Essence with the all-unoriginate Father;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst crush the serpent’s head of the pernicious heresy of Arius!

  • Rejoice, for by thee was enmity slain;

  • Rejoice, thou who didst convert to the true Faith the unbelieving wise man who disputed with thee!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 4

Leading thy life in poverty and want, thou wast a nurturer and helper of the poor and unfortunate; thou didst transform a serpent into gold in thy love, and didst give it to one who asked thine aid. And marvelling at this miracle, we cry out to God in thanksgiving: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

It hath been heard by all and in every place, that the holy hierarch Spyridon is a habitation of the Holy Trinity; for God the Father, God the Word, and God the Holy Spirit dwelt within him. Wherefore, by word and deed thou hast preached the true incarnate God to all Christians, who cry out:

  • Rejoice, initiate of the mysteries of the words of God;

  • Rejoice, thou who hast made clear God’s blueprint for the salvation of the world!

  • Rejoice, for thou didst teach us not to test that which transcendeth the knowledge and wisdom of man;

  • Rejoice, thou who didst show forth the unfathomable power of God which worketh within thee!

  • Rejoice, for through thy mouth God Himself spake;

  • Rejoice, for all heeded thee, to their delight!

  • Rejoice, thou who didst drive away the gloom of idolatry;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst lead many to the true Faith!

  • Rejoice, for thou didst crush the heads of invisible serpents;

  • Rejoice, for through thee is the Christian Faith glorified!

  • Rejoice, for thou dost splendidly illumine all who call thee blessed;

  • Rejoice, champion of the Christian Faith and Orthodoxy!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 5

Thou wast full of the divine Spirit, O holy hierarch Spyridon, because of thy virtuous life; for thou wast meek, merciful, pure of heart, patient, not mindful of the evils done thee, and hospitable. Wherefore, the Creator hath shown thee to be most glorious in miracles; and, glorifying God Who hath glorified thee, we cry out to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

We see Spyridon, the great wonderworker, as an equal of the angels. For once the land was stricken with drought and suffered greatly from the lack of water; and there was famine and contagion, and a multitude of men perished. But by the supplications of the holy hierarch rain fell from heaven upon the earth, and the people, delivered from this misfortune, cried out in gratitude:

  • Rejoice, thou who didst emulate the great Prophet Elijah;

  • Rejoice, for in due season thou didst bring down rain, dispelling famine and affliction!

  • Rejoice, for again by thy supplications thou didst close the sky up again;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst punish the pitiless merchant with the deprivation of his possessions!

  • Rejoice, for thou didst give food in abundance unto those who asked;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst move God to loving compassion for the people!

  • Rejoice, thou who takest away the weakness of the infirm;

  • Rejoice, helper of men, full of the grace of God!

  • Rejoice, thou who grantest health to the sick;

  • Rejoice, thou before whom the demons tremble!

  • Rejoice, wellspring of countless miracles;

  • Rejoice, fountain gushing forth the grace of God!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 6

The veil of the Old Testament tabernacle covered the ark, the manna and the tablets of the law in the Holy of Holies. And thy temple, O holy hierarch Spyridon, hath thy shrine as its ark, thy holy relics as manna, and thy heart as tablets of divine grace, whereon we see graven the hymn: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

Once, because iniquity had increased, the Lord punished the people of Cyprus. causing their land to become barren. When a farmer known to the holy Spyridon came, begging help, the saint gave him gold. But when the misfortune had passed, and that farmer returned the gold to the saint, – O, the wonder! – the gold turned into a serpent! Glorifying God, Who is wondrous in His saints, let us cry out:

  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate Moses, who miraculously transformed his staff into a snake;

  • Rejoice, loving pastor, who deliverest the reason-endowed sheep of thy flock from misfortunes!

  • Rejoice, thou who dost abundantly enrich all with every good thing;

  • Rejoice, thou who, like Elijah, didst feed the poor!

  • Rejoice, thou who movest the pitiless to mercy;

  • Rejoice, example of love for men living in the world to emulate!

  • Rejoice, consolation of both believers and the unbelieving amid tribulations;

  • Rejoice, tree of goodly foliage, overshadowing our city and land!

  • Rejoice, glory and boast of Kerkyra;

  • Rejoice, thou who, by the grace of God, hast dominion over wet and dry weather, heat and cold!

  • Rejoice, thou who didst alter the laws of earth by thy prayer;

  • Rejoice, thou who didst foresee things to come as though they were in the present!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 7

Thou wast shown to be a mediator for all before the Lord, O holy hierarch Spyridon. Wherefore, we flee beneath thy shelter, seeking salvation; for we all have thee as our helper amid all necessity, during famine, deadly plague and all manner of misfortunes and trials. For this cause we cry out to God with thanksgiving: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

A new and magnificent wonder did we see, O father, when, going forth to deliver the man condemned to death though innocent, thou didst find a rushing torrent barring thy path; but thou didst command it to halt in the name of God Almighty, and didst cross the river with thy companions as though it were dry land. The fame of this miracle spread far and wide, and all glorified God, crying out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou who didst cross the river, as once Joshua, son of Nun, crossed Jordan

  • Rejoice, thou who didst tame the rushing of the river by thy voice alone

  • Rejoice, for, moved by compassion, thou didst undertake a difficult journey

  • Rejoice, for thou didst expose the slander and deliver the innocent man from the bonds of imprisonment and a violent death

  • Rejoice, good fellow labourer in the Godly life

  • Rejoice, defender of those unjustly oppressed

  • Rejoice, thou who didst alter the laws of the nature of water

  • Rejoice, for thou didst admonish the judge and save the innocent from execution

  • Rejoice, true correction of souls

  • Rejoice, wondrous power which restrained the torrent

  • Rejoice, thou who dost make sweet the hearts of those who have recourse unto thee

  • Rejoice, emulator of Abraham’s love for man

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 8

A stranger and sojourner wast thou on earth, as are all men. Yet from thy mother’s womb the Omniscient One showed thee forth to be a great favourite and wonderworker, O holy hierarch Spyridon; for thou expellest demons, healest every illness and wound, and perceivest the thoughts of men. Wherefore, thou art shown to be wondrous among the saints. And sending up supplication to God, the Benefactor of all, we cry out to Him: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

The whole world was seized with great awe when it heard that death giveth up the dead from the tombs at the sound of thy voice; and it cried out:

  • Rejoice, thou who recalled to life thine own dead daughter, to allow her to reveal the location of the treasure that the widow has entrusted to her

  • Rejoice, thou who didst console the grieving widow who had given gold into thine daughter’s care

  • Rejoice, thou who didst restore the dead boy to life

  • Rejoice, thou who didst revive his mother, who had died suddenly in her joy

  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate Elijah, who by his supplications returned to life the son of the woman of Zarepath

  • Rejoice, for thou didst also emulate Elisha, who roused a boy from death

  • Rejoice, pastor who truly loved men

  • Rejoice, thou who, in the name of God, didst absolve the sins of the harlot who washed thy feet with her tears

  • Rejoice, thou who didst acquire the holy zeal of the pre-eminent apostle

  • Rejoice, for, at thy word, the unrepentant sinful woman died in her grievous sins

  • Rejoice, thou who in thine entreaties didst ask that the land yield abundant fruit

  • Rejoice, firm assurance of the resurrection of men

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 9

Thou wast illumined with the radiance of the divine Spirit, O Spyridon, for thou didst possess the spirit of wisdom, since, by thy wise words, thou didst show the mindless ones to be foolish in the midst of the Fathers didst confirm the Faith. Thou didst also possess the spirit of understanding, in that thou didst enlighten the minds of the benighted, and didst likewise have the spirit of the fear of God, for thou didst continually purify thy soul with God-pleasing works. Wherefore, standing before the throne of the Most High, with the assembly of the angels thou dost chant unto Him: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Receiving from the Lord Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, the staff of a shepherd of reason-endowed sheep, O holy Spyridon thou did not alter thy manner of life. Unacquisitive, meek, bearing all things for the sake of love, thou were not ashamed to care also for thine flock of dumb sheep. All of these things move us to glorify God and cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou who disdained the glory of this world as vain;

  • Rejoice, thou who hast acquired great reward in the heavens!

  • Rejoice, thou who didst consider the beautiful things of this word to be as dung;

  • Rejoice, vessel of the good things of heaven!

  • Rejoice, most holy pasture of the inhabitants of Cyprus;

  • Rejoice, for, for thy sake, God bound with invisible bonds those who attempted to steal thy sheep!

  • Rejoice, thou  who didst give fatherly admonition to the thieves;

  • Rejoice, thou who, in thy lovingkindness, didst make a present of a ewe-lamb to them after they had spent a night without sleep!

  • Rejoice, thou who didst, by the disobedience of the goat, reprove the merchant who consciously concealed the full payment for thereof

  • Rejoice, thou who didst bring to repentance the man who hid thy silver coins!

  • Rejoice, for thou didst cure him of the passion of love of gain by thine exhortation!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 10

O holy hierarch Spyridon, who savest the souls of the flock entrusted to thee by God, by the providence of God thou wast called to show forth thine own glory, and all the moreso the glory of the true God, even in other lands, that the name of God may be glorified everywhere by those who cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

The holy Spyridon, the speedy helper and aid amid every necessity and sorrow, travelled to the city of Antioch with the other pastors, where the Emperor Constantius was held fast by sickness. The holy hierarch touched his head and restored his health; and we, marvelling at this miracle, cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou whom an angel revealed in a dream to the emperor as a healer

  • Rejoice, thou who, in thine old age, didst undertake a difficult journey for the sake of the love of God

  • Rejoice, thou who, following the Saviour’s commandment, didst turn thine other cheek to the servant of the emperor who struck thee

  • Rejoice, pillar of humility

  • Rejoice, thou who by thy supplications healed the emperor who besought thee with tears

  • Rejoice, for by thine own meekness thou didst admonish the servant and change his unmerciful character

  • Rejoice, for thou didst teach the emperor piety and loving kindness

  • Rejoice, for, despising the treasures of earth, thou didst not accept the emperor’s gold

  • Rejoice, for thou didst turn thine own disciple, Tryphillius, away from passion for earthly goods and didst make of him a vessel of the grace of God

  • Rejoice, for at thine arrival in Alexandria the idols toppled

  • Rejoice, thou to whom even the demons submit

  • Rejoice, for thou didst convert many from idolatry

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 11

Angelic chanting was audible when thou didst offer up thine evening prayers in church, O holy hierarch Spyridon, yet there was none serving with thee. And the inhabitants of the city, hearing this marvellous chanting, entered the church and, seeing no one, chanted with the heavenly hosts: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

Thou wast a radiant sun for the world and a conversor with angels on earth, O holy hierarch Spyridon. Surrendering thy soul into the hands of God, thou didst depart for the mansions of heaven, where thou prayest for the world before the throne of the Master. And we who live on earth cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, for, while yet alive, thou didst serve with the angels

  • Rejoice, thou who didst listen to the hymnody of the archangels

  • Rejoice, visible image of our transfiguration

  • Rejoice, for, when there was not enough oil in church, God filled the lamps with an abundance thereof for thy sake

  • Rejoice, lamp of divine radiance

  • Rejoice, vessel of the grace of God, which, like oil, filleth thy soul to overflowing

  • Rejoice, wellspring which can never dry up, who ever pourest forth torrents of grace upon all

  • Rejoice, thou at whom even the angels are amazed

  • Rejoice, thou who chastised the disobedience of the deacon in church

  • Rejoice, thou who deprived of voice and speech one who was enamored of his own voice

  • Rejoice, for, during the burning heat, a dew which suddenly descended from on high cooled thy sacred head

  • Rejoice, thou who didst foresee the approach of thy repose in this sign

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 12

The protection and refuge of all the faithful during thy lifetime, O holy hierarch, thou hast not left us orphans since thy repose; for God, abrogating the laws of nature, hath preserved thy holy relics incorrupt for the strengthening of the Orthodox Faith and piety, and as a token of immortality. And glorifying Him, we cry out: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

We hymn thee, O holy hierarch of God, for thou has astonished the world with the miracles which flow from thy holy relics. For all who approach them and kiss them with faith receive the goodly things for which they ask. And glorifying God Who hath given thee strength, hath crowned thee with the wreath of incorruption, and worketh through thee, we cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou who in time of famine didst appear to the ship-captains and didst command them to supply the people with food

  • Rejoice, thou who gavest sight to the blind who approached thy holy relics with faith

  • Rejoice, thou who healed the youth of his incurable ailment

  • Rejoice, thou who didst drive the demon from a woman, making her well

  • Rejoice, chosen general of Kerkyra

  • Rejoice, for thou expelled the horde of muslim infidels and didst sink their ships in the deep

  • Rejoice, thou whom they beheld surrounded by a crowd of angels, holding a sword in thy right hand, and who caused the enemy to tremble

  • Rejoice, thou who didst prevent the governor from building a church for himself in which to have mass celebrated with unleavened bread

  • Rejoice, thou who didst bring upon the Venetian governor a cruel death

  • Rejoice, thou who by lightning didst cause his portrait to burn in his palace in Venice

  • Rejoice, thou who hast put to shame the apostasy and false teaching of the West

  • Rejoice, thou who hast confirmed for men that only the Orthodox Faith is true and leads to salvation

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 13

Accepting this our entreaty, O all-wondrous holy hierarch of Christ, father Spyridon, deliver us from all tribulations and assaults, strengthen the hierarchy of our Church against all heresies and schisms, grant us remission of our transgressions, and rescue from everlasting death all who for thy sake cry out to God: Alleluia!

The above Kontaktion is said three times, then continue with the below:

Ikos 1

Adorned from thy youth with all the virtues, and emulating the angels of Christ in thy life, O holy hierarch Spyridon, thou didst truly show thyself to be His friend. And beholding thee, the heavenly man and earthly angel, we cry out to thee with tenderness:

  • Rejoice, mind contemplating the mysteries of the All-holy Trinity;

  • Rejoice, thou who hast been enriched by the all-radiant splendour of the Spirit!

  • Rejoice, beacon of great brilliance;

  • Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten thy mind with dispassion!

  • Rejoice, thou who didst love true simplicity and serenity from childhood;

  • Rejoice, adornment of chastity!

  • Rejoice, inexhaustible torrent of love;

  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate the hospitality of Abraham!

  • Rejoice, for in an abundance of love thou didst open the doors of thy house to all;

  • Rejoice, intercessor for the poor!

  • Rejoice, thou before whom men offer reverence;

  • Rejoice, for thou art the abode of the All-holy Spirit!

  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontakion 1

O holy hierarch and wonderworker Spyridon, who hast been glorified by the Lord! Celebrating now thy most honoured memory, with tenderness we cry out to thee, as one who art able greatly to assist us with Christ Who hath glorified thee: From all misfortunes and evil deliver us, that we may cry out to thee in thanksgiving: Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!


O all-blessed and holy hierarch Spyridon, thou great favourite of Christ and most glorious wonderworker! Standing in heaven with the choirs of angels before the throne of God, look down with merciful gaze upon the people who stand here before thee and beseech thy mighty aid. Entreat the compassion of God Who loveth mankind, that He judge  us not according to our iniquities, but that He deal with us according to His mercy. Ask for us of Christ our God a peaceful and undisturbed life, health of soul and body, bounty from the earth and abundance and prosperity in all things; and that we turn not the good things given us by our compassionate God to evil, but rather to His glory and the glorification of thine aid. Deliver all who approach God with unwavering faith from all retribution and from the assaults of the demons. Be thou a comforter for the grieving, a physician for the afflicted, a helper amid temptations, a shelter for the naked, an aid to the widowed, a defender of the orphaned, a nourisher of infants, a strengthener of the aged, a guide to travellers; and beg thou for all who are in need of thy mighty help all things which conduce to salvation, that, guided and protected by thy prayers, we may attain unto everlasting rest and with thee may glorify God Who is worshiped in the Holy Trinity: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen


Prayers to St. Spyridon, Wonderworker

Saint Spyridon is an invaluable helper in business and financial problems, he helps to find a job, earn money, solve legal problems, as well as everything related to money matters, real estate and many other things. The saint is one of the most beloved saints. In Corfu they say that when they change the vestments of the relics of Saint Spyridon, the slippers on his feet are worn out - this is a sign that after his death he walks the earth to help all those who are grieving and praying to God for help.


Prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimythus, Dec 12

O most blessed hierarch Spyridon, thou great Saint of Christ and glorious wonder-worker!

Standing in heaven before the throne of God with choirs of Angels, look down with a compassionate eye upon the people gathered here (names may be added) and asking thy powerful help.

Entreat the merciful kindness of God Who loveth mankind, that He judge us not according to our iniquities, but rather act towards us according to His mercy.

Ask for us of Christ our God, a peaceful and serene life, health of soul and body, a fruitful earth, and in all things abundance and prosperity; that we turn not unto evil the good things bestowed upon us by our generous God, but rather unto His glory and the praise of thine intercession.

Deliver us, who with unswerving faith approach God, from all ills, whether spiritual or physical; from all discouragements and diabolical snares.

Be a consoler unto those in sorrow, a healer of the infirm, a helper of those in troubles, a coverer of the naked, a defender of widows, a protector of orphans, a nourisher of infants, a strengthener of the aged, a guide unto travellers, a compass to those that sail, and pray for all that seek thy mighty intercession, that they may receive all that is profitable unto their salvation: so that, taught and kept by thy prayers, we may attain eternal rest and together with thee glorify God, Who is One in the Holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Provided by Fr John Shaw, via email


Prayer One


Oh, Blessed St. Spyridon!

Beg the favor of the Man-loving God to not judge us according to our iniquities but together with us to work according to His mercy.

Beg for us, servants of God (the names), from Christ and the Lord, peaceful and calm life and health – in soul and body, for us.

Deliver us from all troubles, whether spiritual or physical, and from all discouragements and diabolical snares.

Keep mentioning us before the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness for our many sins, to grant us a sheltered [safe] and peaceful living, that that our life end be peaceful and dignified and to grant us the future of eternal bliss, so we may constantly spread the glory of and give thanks to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.



This prayer is to be read every day (or every night) until your issue is resolved.



Prayer Two


Our God-bearing father Spyridon, wonderful saint of the universe and cohabitant of the angels, today the whole church bows before you and asks for your intercession before God. You have experienced the joys and burdens of family cares, your whole life has passed in work, vigil and prayer. The grace of God, which turns weak men into great miracle workers and preachers, poured out abundantly upon you. God took you an ordinary shepherd and farmer and made you a shepherd of Christians. For God makes His home of a soul that abounds in virtues, and shines through it like a lamp that is placed on high to shine on all. You, good Shepherd, were meek like David, pure in heart like Jacob, hospitable like Abraham and man-lover like the Savior. That is why people have come to love you, and the Lord has endowed you with the power of the Holy Spirit to work miracles. Your prayer has been quick as lightning and your intercession - sure because God is with you.

Now you stand before God among the angels and all the righteous. We earnestly beseech you: protect these servants of God (the names), who look forward to your caressing paternal protection. Reach out your hand and feed our souls, keep our families from discord and misunderstandings, bless our daily chores and duties, grant health to our souls and bodies, guide us to grow in the virtues that you have built into your character so we may lead a quiet and sinless life under the cover of the Holy Consubstantial and Inseparable Trinity and together with all the saints glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen!

How to pray to St. Spyridon of Trimythus?

First Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimythus

O Great and wonderful saint of Christ and miracle worker Spyridon, Kerkira's praise, the whole universe is a bright, warm prayer book to God and a quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Council of Nicaea among the fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you have completely shamed the heretics. Hear us, sinners, to the Holy Hierarch of Christ, praying to you, and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from all evil of the situation: from gladness, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. Thou didst save thy people from all these calamities in thy temporary life: thou hast saved thy country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from gladness, thou hast rescued the king from an incurable disease, and thou hast brought many sinners to repentance, thou hast gloriously raised the dead, for the holiness of thy life the Angels invisibly in the church you had singers and co-workers. With this we glorify you, your faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you understand all the secret human deeds given to you and expose the unrighteous living. You assiduously helped many of those living in poverty and inadequacy, you nourished the poor people abundantly during the gladness, and you have created many signs with the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not leave us, to the saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he give many of our sins forgiveness, may grant us a comfortable and peaceful life; us, let us take out glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer II to Saint Spyridon of Trimythus

O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servitor of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in Heaven for the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with a merciful eye on the people coming here and asking for your strong help. Beg the benevolence of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to His mercy! Ask for us from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, goodness of the earth and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and let us not turn the good that is given to us from the generous God, but to His glory and to the glorification of your intercession, not to evil. ! Deliver everyone, by faith that does not doubt God, who come from all mental and physical troubles. from all yearning and devil slander! Be a sad comforter, an ailing doctor, a helper in adversity, a naked patron, a patron for widows, a sane defender, a baby feeder, an old strengthener, a wandering guide, sailing helmsman, and seek all your strong help who demand everything, even to salvation, useful! As if by your prayers we instruct and observe, we will reach into eternal rest and glorify God together with you, in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer III to Saint Spyridon of Trimythus 

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may he do with us according to His mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant many of our sins forgiveness, a comfortable and peaceful life, may grant us, the deaths of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.

Akathist to St. Spyridon of Trimythus Kontakion 1

Akathist to Saint Spyridon, Kontakion I:

“Oh you, glorified by the Lord among the saint and miracle worker Spyridon! Now, your honorable memory is being celebrated, as you are much able to help us about Christ who glorified thee, with a tender cry we say unto you: save us from all ills and evils, and with thanksgiving we call you: Rejoice, Spirydon, wonderful miracle worker! "

Prayer of thanks to Saint Spyridon of Trimythus for help in business

There are many testimonies about the provision of help to the suffering from the Wonderworker Spyridon. Twice a year, the cancer with the relics of the Saint is opened in order to replace his worn-out shoes with new ones, for even after his death the Saint travels around the world and does not disregard the parishioners who turn to him for support.

In gratitude for the help, the following prayer should be offered:

“O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servitor of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in heaven to the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with a merciful eye on the people (names) coming here and asking for your strong help. Pray for the blessing of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may he do with us according to His mercy!

Ask us from Christ and God our worldly and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly fruitfulness and in everything all abundance and prosperity, and let us not turn the good that is given to us from the generous servant of God, but to His glory and to your glorification. intercessions! Deliver everyone who comes to God without any doubt from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander!

Be a sad comforter, an ailing doctor, a helper in adversity, a naked patron, a patron for widows, a sane defender, a baby feeder, an old fortifier, a wandering guide, a sailing helmsman, and intercede to all, your strong help to those who demand, everything, even useful for salvation! As if by your prayers we instruct and observe, we will reach into eternal rest and glorify God together with you, in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Spyridon of Trimythus prayer for money, financial well-being and work text to read in Russian

Russian text of the prayer to Saint Spyridon:

“O blessed Saint Spyridon!

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but the end of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Those who ask should know that it is possible to turn to the Wonderworker in cases of real need.

Getting rid of debt and loans

Saint Spyridon of Trimythus is reputed by the Orthodox as the most effective assistant in the early repayment of loans and the payment of borrowed money. It is fitting to address the saint with the following words:

“O blessed Saint Spyridon!

Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to his mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but the end of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and forever and ever.

By the grace given by the Almighty, Saint Spyridon hears the prayers of those who ask him for help from all corners of the universe and does not ignore the requests of true believers in need.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimythus about buying an apartment or other real estate

The miracle worker Spyridon of Trimythus among the laity is reputed to be an assistant in solving housing and other vital issues.

The secret prayer words about intercession before God, mental and physical health and a serene peaceful life in front of the icon of St. Spyridon should be read daily, until the issue is resolved. You should know that vain and not meeting real needs requests will be ignored.

Before the court

The tradition of praying for the intercession of the Saints, when an important matter lies ahead, has existed among the Orthodox from time immemorial.

On the eve of the trial, Spyridon of Trimythus is considered the most revered righteous man among believers. The image of the Wonderworker should be worshiped in the church, here you can also read a prayer to the Saint:

Hear us, sinners, to the Holy Hierarch of Christ, praying to you, and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from all evil of the situation: from gladness, flood, fire and deadly ulcers. Thou didst save thy people from all these calamities in thy temporary life: thou hast saved thy country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from gladness, thou hast rescued the king from an incurable disease, and thou hast brought many sinners to repentance, thou hast gloriously raised the dead, for the holiness of thy life the Angels invisibly in the church you had singers and co-workers.

With this we glorify you, your faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you understand all the secret human deeds given to you and expose the unrighteous living. You assiduously helped many of those living in poverty and inadequacy, you nourished the poor people abundantly during the gladness, and you have created many signs with the power of the living Spirit of God in you.

Do not leave us, to the saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he give many of our sins forgiveness, may grant us a comfortable and peaceful life; us, let us take out glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

About health

The godly deeds of Spyridon of Trimythus glorified this Saint [as early as] during his lifetime. This is one of the Miracle Workers, who was gifted with the ability not only to heal the weak, but also to resurrect people who have already died.

The relics of Saint Spyridon are now in Greece, on the island of Corfu, Kerkira, but you can ask for health in front of the face of the icons of the great Saint, available in local churches:

“O great and wonderful saint of Christ and miracle worker Spyridon, the praise of Kerkira, the whole universe is a bright lamp, a prayer book warm to God, and a quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Council of Nicaea among the fathers, you showed the Unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you have shamed the heretics to the end.

You assiduously helped many, living in poverty and lack, you richly nourished the poor people during the gladness, and you have created many signs with the power of the living Spirit of God in you.

Do not leave us, to the saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he give many of our sins forgiveness, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, the deaths of a life that are not shameful and peaceful, and eternal blessings in the future. vouchsafe us, so that we give out glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. "

About buying and selling a car

It is customary for Orthodox Christians to turn to Spyridon of Trimythus with requests for help in solving household and financial issues. However, this must be done in cases that are really necessary and with sincere faith in the heart - only then your prayer will be heard and your plans will be fully realized.

Prayer text:

“O great and wonderful saint of Christ and miracle worker Spyridon, the praise of Kerkira, you are a bright lamp to the whole universe is, a prayer book warm to God, and a quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Council of Nicaea among the fathers, you showed the Unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you have shamed the heretics to the end.

Hear us, sinners, you Holy Hierarch of Christ, praying to you and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil of the situation: from gladness, flood, fire and deadly ulcers.

Thou didst save thy people from all these calamities in thy temporary life: thou hast saved thy country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from gladness, thou hast rescued the king from an incurable disease, and thou hast brought many sinners to repentance, thou hast gloriously resurrected the dead, for the holiness of thy life you had Angels singing and serving you invisibly in the church. We thus glorify you, you faithful servant of Christ the Lord, as you understand all the secret human deeds [which is] given to you and you expose unrighteous living.

Prayers to Saint Spyridon of Trimythus lead to material well-being, money and success in work. 

Prayer for good luck and money to St. Spyridon of Trimythus

“O blessed Saint Spyridon!

Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to his mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but the end of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Prayer for good luck and money to St. Spyridon of Trimythus

“O blessed Saint Spyridon!

Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to his mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and pray to the Lord, may he grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, may he grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but the end of a shameful and peaceful life and eternal blessings in the future will vouch for us, may we ceaselessly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Prayer for money and prosperity

Spyridon of Trimythus provided assistance to those in need who were experiencing material difficulties. Once a peasant came to the Saint for help, who could not buy grain to sow in the field. The saint prayed with him and ordered him to come the next day. When the peasant came again, Spyridon of Trimythus gave him a piece of gold on the condition that after the harvest was collected, the money would be returned. The year turned out to be very fertile, which already seemed a miracle, but when the farmer came to repay the debt, Spyridon of Trimythus, taking gold, read a prayer and a piece of metal turned into a snake.

For the sake of the poor peasant, the saint performed a miracle, transforming the animal into material value. And today the Saint works miracles for everyone who is in a difficult financial situation. To ask Spyridon for help, you need to read him a prayer:

“O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servitor of Christ and glorious miracle worker!

Stand in Heaven for the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with a merciful eye on the people coming here and asking for your strong help.

Ask us from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, goodness of the earth and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and let us not turn the good that is given to us from the generous God, but to His glory and glorification of your intercession!

Yes, yes, we instruct and observe with your prayers, we will reach into eternal rest and glorify God together with you, in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Prayer for housing

The problem with housing in our time is quite common for the layman, but believers can always ask the Saints for help. Sometimes the housing issue becomes the main issue in our life, and when it becomes really scary, it is worth remembering the intercessor - Spyridon Trimythus.

O blessed Saint Spyridon!

Pray for the mercy of the Man-lover God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us according to his mercy. Ask us, servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health.

Deliver us from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimythus

Who should you ask for help with money problems and to resolve the issue with housing? In Orthodoxy, it is customary to turn to the amazing saint - Spyridon of Trimythus. But what is the right way to ask the saint for intercession?

Saint Spyridon, nicknamed Trimythus, in Orthodoxy is one of the most revered saints by the people. He helps with daily problems, it is customary to pray for help in matters related to work, money and housing.

The future saint spent his life in Cyprus in the 3rd century AD. Spyridon, was an ordinary shepherd, but what is interesting even then helped those in need. Information has come down to our time about how the saint healed the sick. There are many records that Spyridon of Trimythus expelled demons from people, resurrecting them to ordinary life. There is also a legend that he helped the inconsolable mother by resurrecting the baby.

When turning to Spyridon of Trimythus, remember that you are asking for help, you should not sit idly by, no matter how sincere the prayer is. In any case, you must believe in yourself and your own strength.

The relics of the saint are in Cyprus, and every year the ministers of the temple change their robes to the saint, but surprisingly, the slippers are always worn out. As if Spyridon Trimythus still walks the earth and helps everyone in need. Every year, the shoes are cut into several pieces and sent around the world as a shrine to which one can venerate and ask for help.

Oh, blessed Saint Spyridon, great servitor of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Standing in heaven to the Throne of God with the faces of angels, look with a merciful eye on the people who are coming here (name) and asking for your strong help. Beg the mercy of the Humanitarian God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may he do with us according to His mercy! Ask for us from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, goodness of the earth and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and let us not turn the good that is given to us from the generous God, but to His glory and to the glorification of your intercession, not to evil. ! Deliver everyone who comes to God with an unknowing faith, from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearning and devilish slander! Be a sad comforter, an ailing doctor, a helper in adversity, a naked patron, a defender for widows, a sane defender, a baby feeder, an old strengthener, a wandering guide, sailing helmsman, and make a request to all who demand your strong help, everything, even useful to salvation! As if by your prayers we instruct and observe, we will achieve eternal rest and glorify God together with you, in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodox prayer to St. Spyridon of Trimythus about work

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is a very revered ascetic throughout the Christian world. Many pilgrims from various countries constantly flock to his relics on the island of Corfu in Greece.

Believing Christians claim that they never remain without the help of the great saint of God, if they turn to him with sincere faith and heartfelt hope. He helps in a variety of life situations.

So, the prayer to Spiridon Trimifuntsky about work allowed many people to find their own business and feed their families.

Тропар на св. Спиридон

На първия събор си се показал поборник и чудотворец,
богоносни отче наш Спиридоне. 

Затова и мъртвия от гроба си извикал
и змията в злато си превърнал;
и когато си пеел светите молитви,
ангели са служели с тебе, пресвещени.

Слава на Дарилия ти сила, 
слава на Увенчалия те, 
слава на Даващия чрез тебе 
изцеления на всички!

Sermon on the feast of St.
Spyridon Tremithon
Wonderworker, great Saint of the 4th c. A.D.,
protector of the Corfu Island,

delivered by Bishop Photios of Triaditsa
at the "Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos",
Cathedral Church, Sofia, Sunday, 12/25 December 2011